3. Missing

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A/N: 🌹🌹🌹
**{I Don't Want To Live Forever- Zayn & Taylor Swift}


It was Aries fault really. When I was 15 I got my first girlfriend. Her name was Kelly. Hands down the prettiest girl in school. She was in my math class and I would catch myself staring at her.
She had long wavy blonde hair. I used to call her Goldilocks, she hated that.
It wasn't long until I just asked her if she wanted to my girlfriend.

At first Arie seemed fine with it. He even barely complained when I started studying with her instead but it wasn't long until I realized he was just really good at hiding his feelings.

One afternoon I had ditched Arie to hang out with Kelly. Arie had come looking for his game and walked in on Kelly and I kissing.

It was a very strange moment. He was only my friend but the second I looked up at him staring at us from the doorway deep down I knew I did something wrong.

He turned and ran away and without me instructing my body to my limbs followed. I caught him in the driveway. I took hold of his arm and he yanked himself away.

The moment I saw his flushed face drenched with tears I was sick with guilt.

"What?!" He snapped.

"Why are you upset?"

"Why are you so stupid?! You know! You just pretend you don't!." He yelled at me.

"I won't know if you don't tell me Arie."

He wipes at his face but more tears fall.

"Break up with her!" He screams so loudly Kelly must of heard from inside. She never said she did but she must of.

"What? Why?"

"Because if you don't I will never talk to you again!"

I didn't know what to say. So I said nothing. In the end he just turned around and walked out of the gate.

That was the first time we ever really fought. I didn't know how to handle it. As I walked back to my room I convinced myself that he didn't mean it. Why would he?

But the next three weeks proved I was wrong.
He some how convinced his mother to drive him to school each morning. I missed him on the bus.

Then he stopped showing up to lunch. I sat with Kelly instead and for the first week it was ok.

But by the second week the nightmares had started again and the distance between us hurt more and more.

I tried going to his house to talk to him but every single time he would just lock his bedroom door and wait for me to go away.

By the end of the second week I was a mess. I wasn't sleeping and I ached inside all the time. By the beginning of the third week I broke up with Kelly.

It felt like the more I missed Arie the less I liked Kelly.

I text Arie and told him I was sorry but he still didn't reply.

I went to his house, he still wouldn't see me. By Friday that week I was a mess.

I was heartbroken. At lunch that Friday I couldn't take it anymore I had to find him.

I looked everywhere. When I finally found him hiding behind the gym building lunch was almost over and I was hysterical.

"You said to break up with her! I did, why are you still avoiding me?!" I snapped.

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