23. Addiction

153 6 0

A/N: 🌹🌹🌹
**{Honey Dipped- Ilham}


It's happening again the over-release of endorphins that make my head a complete mess when Tee touches me.

I can't think I just want to feel more and more even to my detriment.

I grind on his dick as his big hands graze my body with greedy fingers.

My head falls back onto his shoulder as his hands slip beneath my t-shirt. He rubs at my nipples. Pinching them and rolling them until they become hard as he starts to move his hips to penetrate me deeper.

I'm melting. I'm way too hot. Reading my mind in one motion he slips the shirt over my head and off my sensitive skin.

His hands explore me as his tongue dips into my ear.

"Shit Tee!" I moan and he starts to lean forward. I follow his lead and close my legs and lean forward on his lap so he can take over.

His fingertips dig deeply into my hips as he starts to move me against his dick.

He slides me up the length of him before pulling me down.

My legs go tingly as his ruthless penetration takes over every single thought and nerve ending in my body.

I don't know how much time has passed but already I'm coming. I can't speak to warn him it's already rushing from my tender dick.

More! Fuck me more! The slut yells from deep inside and I know in a moment that she is a beast he created with his wicked fucking.

The room fills with the patter of our skin slapping as he fucks me harder and harder.

I can't moan aloud my throat is too dry from gasping.

All of a sudden he tugs my head back and he is kissing me. I take over rolling my hips as he fondles my dick. I'm slick with cum and the sensation of him spreading it on my shaft makes me roll faster my body begging for the too-gratifying friction.

One of his arms snakes around my midsection holding me so tightly as the fingers of his other hand prod into the sensitive skin of my hip guiding my pace.

This small action encouraging us both to kiss deeper and fuck harder. I roll my hips as he moves against me taking care to meet my soft spot with every deep stroke.

His hand moves up my body inciting each nerve ending he passes.

His fingers find my neck and he holds me firmly. He leads our kiss driving his tongue deeper into my mouth to taste every corner inside.

I'm cuming again. I can't make a sound with his tongue down my throat but he knows. He moves his hand faster working the length of my dick as I roll my hips faster to catch my nut.

I half groan half scream into his mouth as I cum so hard my body goes gooey.  I feel like I might combust.

My body is limp but he doesn't stop pounding me from behind until I feel him filling me up with his warm essence.

For a moment I think it's over but then he wraps his arm around my waist lifting me as he stands. He moves us into the bathroom as I dangle from his grasp his dick still deep inside me as my toes try and fail to find the ground beneath me.

He turns the shower knobs one-handed before stepping inside with me in tow. My hands automatically reach for the tiles to find some semblance of stability. He slips his hand between my thighs, lifting my leg up before he starts to pound me again.

Unrequited? Air at SeaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon