1. The end is only a beginning.

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A/N: Play the song when you see roses..

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**{Desert Rose- Lolo Zouaï}


"Go deeper," He whines as he wraps his arms around my neck pulling me flush against him so there is no space between us.

My fingers glide up the back of his neck and into his bushy velvety curls. I fist them gently and tug his head back to look at his pretty face. His eyes are fuzzy with tears. I watch as one breaks away from his long eyelashes and slowly slides down his face.

How can he be this beautiful?

I comply with no hesitation and push myself deeper inside him. He whimpers softly the way that drives me crazy.

Man, he makes every part of me ache as I watch him this way. His beautiful doe like hazel eyes glossy with lust. My observance pauses at the freckles that liter his face and cheeks. The toffee skin beneath flushed red with a light dew of sweat as our passions to out fuck intensify.
He whimpers my name desperately as he tosses his head back, his hips writhing to meet me.

Arie is my weakness. Everyone knows this, but the truth is he is also my strength. It's pitiful just how broken I am without him.

This teeny kid barely 5'1 holds everything I am in his hazel green eyes.

Most people wouldn't guess this but I don't think I could get out of bed if it weren't for Arie.

The people in our town just see me as this popular charming jock who comes from a prominent family.
MVP, secondary valedictorian, most likely to make it into the NFL.

But Arie knows me inside and out. He is my safe place where none of it matters. I can always show him how broken I am. He never runs instead he patiently glues the shattered parts of me back together no matter how many times I fall apart.

He loves me...so much...more than I deserve. I bury my nose against his collarbone to take in his scent.

"More." He begs.

"Does it feel good?" I ask him as my nose travels the length of his protruding clavicle.

"Yes. Give me more." He whispers.

I take hold of the back of his head and kiss him as deep as I can.

I fuck him with everything inside me as I appreciate how perfectly his tiny soft body fits into mine.

How does he feel this good?

When I remember that this has to be the last time I feel tears tingeing against the corners of my eyes. Blurring my view of the most beautiful person I have have ever known.

I urge myself calm. I won't give in to how devastated I am inside. Not now when this moment feels too perfect.

No matter what I need to make him understand. I need him always to be with me, even if we can't be this way anymore.

I can hardly recall a time without Arie it's as if my memories start and end with him.

I saw him for the first time when I was five years old. I was playing outside in the driveway when I looked up at the sound of the front gate sliding open. I sat back on the gravel holding my toy car in my lap as I watched this noisy old family van pull in and park.

I had never seen such a shitty piece of broken down rusted metal and I remember wondering who would appear.

A man and a woman that I didn't know got out.  The woman opened the door to the back seat and lifted a little girl out of a car seat.

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