16. I got you

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**{Will you be my Love-Kelly Cheng}


Arie cried the entire way to my place. She doesn't even know she's breaking my heart.

I know it's more than her sprained foot.
I park my car in the garage and pick her up out of her seat.

She wraps her arms around my neck and cries into my shirt collar as I carry her through the threshold and around my house.

I sit her down on the kitchen island and lean down to take a closer look at her foot.

The bruise has just about fully formed and it is a whopper. I know it hurts.

I look up at her and she wipes her face on the back of her hand.

I stand and wrap my arms around her and stroke her hair until she calms down.

"Does it hurt that much?" I ask her but she doesn't reply only sniffles into my chest.

I decide not to press her just yet.

I pick up the grocery bag of ice cream off the counter. I turn behind me to find a clean spoon.

I pull the top off the mint chocolate chip tub and place it in Aries hand. I put the spoon in the other hand.

"I'll get the first aid kit. Just sit and eat."

I locate the first aid kit once again giving myself an attaboy for recently restocking it.

When I get back to the kitchen Arie already looks a little bit better as she quietly eats her ice cream.

It's actually painful just how cute she is. She looks tiny in my shirt as she lifts her spoon to her pouty lips.

I bend down and get to work on her bruise. I spread some fast-acting pain relief cream over the top of her foot before wrapping in with a loose bandage.

"I'm sorry I humiliated you." She mumbles after some time has passed.

I look up at her in confusion.
"Why do you think that?"

"Trent and you are friends. He'll tell people."

"We are not close. We were friendly and I banged his ex-girlfriend a few times. Also, what will he tell people? I'm not hiding you nor am I ashamed." I notice a little bit of ice cream near her top lip and wipe it away with the edge of my finger.

Her big eyes are still fuzzy but I'm glad she isn't actively crying anymore.

"Do you think he will tell the sheriff?"

"I don't think they are on speaking terms. Everyone knows about Trent's drug and gambling problems. If anyones humiliated it's the Sheriff. What a disgrace having garbage like Trent as your namesake."

"You aren't mad at me?"

"Mad? I am so freaking proud and


"I know you were scared but you took out all three of those guys. You're bad ass. You should have seen Trent's face when you kicked him in the balls. You are an all star in my book kid."

She gets a strange look on her face as if she's deciding if she believes it or not.

Her gaze drops, "I ruined our date."

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