45. Milk & Honey

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After dumping both bundles I text Arie to tell her I'm on my way back.

I miss her so much my body aches to hold her and bury my nose in her curls.

Me: I'm on my way back. Did you want anything while I'm out?

❤️Arie❤️: No...I'm at your house. Your housekeeper let me in before leaving...is that ok?

Me: of course. Why did you leave home?

❤️Arie❤️: We should talk more. It's private here.

Me: Are you sure you don't want me to pick up some ice cream?

❤️Arie❤️: No..Hurry back I miss you.

Me: Same. On the way now.

Even though Arie said no I stopped at the nearest gas station anyway. I washed my hands before leaving Trent's but I'm paranoid the smell in his house has clung to me. I wash my face and change into a clean T-shirt from my gym bag just in case Arie hugs me before I get a chance to shower. I try to get out of there as soon as I can even though I took a few minutes to buy some of her favorite snacks.

**{Loveeeeee Song- Rihanna & Future}

The minute I pull into the garage I realize how antsy I am to be with her. This night was terrible and every time my mind wanders back to what I found out I feel angry or guilty.

Angry that Trent still has his life and guilty that I now know a big secret that Arie never wanted anyone to know.

I take a deep breath and drop my head onto my steering wheel as I realize that I can't ever tell her I know. Not that I want to but I feel like I betrayed her somehow by finding out.

What is the right thing to do in this type of situation?
I take a few minutes to decide. What feels right is to never speak of it again unless Arie one day confides in me. But I don't think she will. And what then? Would I have to pretend that I didn't know?

My heart aches in my chest as I imagine her beautiful eyes cast with fear. A tear runs down my face and I wipe it away. I force myself to breathe deeply as I try to think of literally anything else.

I wipe my eyes dry on my T-shirt before stepping  out of my truck and heading inside.

I expected Arie to be downstairs but the house is dark and quiet.

I take my time taking the stairs my mind still struggling with my guilt. But all that instantly disappears as I step into my bedroom to find it all lit up with candles I don't own.

Not many just enough to cast the room is a soft dim glow.

Despite how heavy my heart felt just moments ago I smile as our eyes meet.

She is sitting in the middle of my bed with a light colored silk robe on.

She smiles at me and I'm completely disarmed.
Fuck...how can she be this beautiful?...it's unfair.

"Are you ok?" She asks and I realize how awkward I look just staring.

But I can hardly speak as she tilts her head and slowly licks her bottom lip.The candles flicker making her hazel eyes burn amber.

"I'm...better now. You?" I answer.


"I'm sorry. I would've come quicker if I knew you felt restless."

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