6. Weak

154 13 3

A/N: Play Song when you see the roses.

- Tee-

Tap, Tap, Tap

I wake to the sound. Should I even use the word wake I was lingering between a place of conscious and dreaming. I was with Arie.

I open my eyes and scan my room for the annoying sound and find an annoying person.

I roll my eyes and drop my head back.

"Stop with the tapping it's annoying." I'm already annoyed.

"You took a daytime rest, why are you still so cranky?"

I ignore him as I roll my eyes and bury my face in my pillow.

"Is this really how you entertain your guest? It's boring here."

I groan into the pillow. The desk chair creeks and I feel movement near me on the bed.

"Rise and shine princess I need clarification." He announces.

I turn my head against my pillow and look at him. He is leaning his back against the headboard.

"How close are you and Arie?" He asks while peering down at his phone.

"Why do you ask?"

"All the family photos downstairs. There are hardly any photos without you two being together."

"We grew up together. We used to be best friends."

"What happened?"

"He moved to Miami. I haven't seen him in more than a year."

"You didn't keep in touch?"

"Not really. You're very interested in him."

He shrugs, "He's cute and he's about to start at our school."

I quickly sit up. "How do you know?"

"He told me."


"While you were resting. We had a chat."

He's moving back for good?
I don't know what that means he shows zero interest in being my friend. I tried his number and I'm still blocked. I need to talk to him.

"Boys! It's dinner time. I'm heading next door!" My mother calls from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay!" I yell back.

"Thank god I'm starving," Caleb mumbles as he moves off my bed.

-I can't keep my eyes off of him.  He is unrecognizable.

 Everyone is shoved together at the dining table. My mom and dad and Aries mom and Dad. His younger sister, Bryce and Caleb.  We are all touching elbows.

Aunt Evie giggles. "I didn't expect such a full house. No matter the more the merrier."

I take a break from staring at Arie to move food around my plate.

"Not hungry Tee?" Aunt Evie asks.

I lift my gaze, "No it's really good." I lift my fork and take a huge bite of mashed potatoes.

Auntie Evie smiles at me as I slowly chew.

"How's school?" She asks when I finally swallow.

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