41. What am I?

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A/N: Play song when you see the roses.


"So are you going to be dressing like a girl full time?"

I ask Arie as we try on sneakers at the Footlocker. I have been watching her go back and forth between a sneaker that looks just like the ones I chose for myself and a girlier pair.

Arie looks up from the pale pink sneakers she is trying on to peer up at me.

"What makes you ask that?"

I kneel down beside her and pick up it's pair from the box.

"How does it fit?" I ask.

"Fine." She mutters with furrowed brows.

I lift her foot up and slip the other sneaker on and tie up both laces.

"I'm not sure I'm getting it." She protests.

"I'm getting you both pair." I tell her and her gaze lifts to meet mine.
"I asked you that question because it seems you are unsure yourself."

Aries eyebrow furrow deepens and know I've hit the nail on the head.

"Do you have a preference?" She asks me.

"On what you wear? Or who you go by?"

Her shoulders droop and she sighs. Right again.

"You told me the day we met you like being a boy. Do you like being a girl just as much?"

Aries eyes grow sadder.
"I have no idea. I dressed like a girl for fun at first. But because I look like a girl I realized along the way it makes more sense so people won't keep asking what I am. But now I'm actually confused as to what the fuck I am. It occurred to me just now while I was trying to pick sneakers that I don't know how you should introduce me. Your girlfriend? Your boyfriend? Your freak show?"

"Definitely not the last one."

"I need to be sure cause after I start school I'll be locked into whatever gender I show up as day 1."

**{Easy- Anna Wise & Xavier Omar}


"What do you mean why? Should I be a they? Introduce me as a theyfriend?"

"Are you a they?" I ask and Aries eyes go big.

"You're giving me more choices?!?" She asks almost hysterically.

She's so cute I can't help but chuckle.

"It's not funny." She whines.

"I only laughed cause you're so cute." I tell her as I pinch her cheek.

She pouts at me and I get such an urge to kiss her.

I shake my head as I take her hand in mine.
"I'll call you anything you want me to that day. How lucky am I? I have a boyfriend and a girlfriend in one."

Arie regards me suspiciously, "Really?"

"I won't care either way."

"I don't want to feel like I'm hiding. But if I dress full time as a girl isn't that exactly what I'm doing?"

"Then don't hide. Introduce yourself proudly."

"But I genuinely don't know how to."

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