So much for my happy ending.

Start from the beginning

"Alright gorgeous, I love you so much baby. I really miss you. It will be weird sleeping without you next to me." Oh my heart.
"Same, but check under the pillow. I left you something." He sits up and puts his hand underneath his pillow, pulling out one of the shirts I've been wearing to bed the last couple of nights.
He puts it against his face to smell it and he gets this happy look on his face.
"This will help a lot. Thanks love. Now you go pee I'll talk to you tomorrow. Or well tomorrow for me, tonight for you."

I blow him a kiss before we end the call, I'm so glad we can FaceTime. At least we get to see each other. But I do feel like part of me is missing.

Kelly and I meet up for dinner and she brings Penelope, that little girl is such a ray of sunshine. She is funny, feisty and very smart. Eventually we decide to have a sleepover at Kelly's, so we build a fort out of blankets.
Just when we have put on face masks my phone rings and I see Daniel is trying to FaceTime me.
Kelly and I look at each other, giggling like little girls. So I press the green button on the screen.

"Heeey gorg... what in the world is that?" His respons makes me fold over with laughter.
"Hi handsome. What? You don't like my new look?"
"It's ehm different. You're still cute though. So I'm guessing you're having a girls night." He can hear Kelly and Penelope laugh in the back.
"Yeah do you want to see our fort?" I show him how we transformed the living room of Max and Kelly's place.
"Wow that looks cool. Can we do that as well when we are home again?"

"I would like that. We should for sure. And the face masks as well?" I grin.
"Well I might skip that part. But if you want you can definitely put it on. Or maybe one made out of chocolate sauce?" Oh that smirk of his.
"Daniel there is a little girl here who speaks English. Behave yourself. But sure we will see."
"I like chocolate sauce." Penelope says from under the blankets.
"Me too P, me too." Daniel responds.
I decide to go to the balcony for a bit more privacy. It's quite chilly, as it's October, but I love the fresh air.

"How did you sleep babe?" I ask him as I sit down on one of the chairs outside.
"I slept ok, but I miss you like crazy. I'm about to get up, Michael will probably be here in 45 minutes or so for a quick work out and then we are off to Brazil."
I'm really looking forward to Brazil. I do think it's going to be weird, because I know how massive the gap is between the rich and the poor. And I've read that Sao Paolo can be a dangerous place.
I'm not sure how I will feel about the fact that I'll be surrounded by millionaires, while at the same time there are families sleeping under bridges only a few kilometers away.
I know that was the case in Mexico as well and that there are still a lot of questionable things according human rights are happening in some of the other countries we've been to this season.

"I'll be joining you in Sao Paolo very soon. But first let's see if I can still fit in my dress. I'm sure in 4 weeks I'll have a bigger bump, so I'm very nervous to see how they will make sure I'm still going to fit in it then. And I'll have to wear it in Perth also, which will be 5 weeks later. I really don't know if I can still get into it then." I'll be 19 weeks pregnant by the time we have our Perth wedding. There's no way I'm going to be able to wear my dress then.

"Babe it will be summer in Perth, why don't you just wear something else for the wedding there. You have so many nice summer dresses you could wear. Who cares that it won't be a wedding dress. Or take my mom and sister shopping when we get to Perth, buy something nice there. You'll be beautiful whatever you're wearing."
He gets out of bed to get dressed and for a bit I'm distracted when he places the phone on a shelve so he can get his clothes.

How I love the view. My hands itch to touch him. But I'll just have to wait a couple more days.
"I know, I think I'll have to go shopping. I think the dress I have doesn't really fit our barn ceremony and bbq party anyways. I can just leave it in Monaco and I'll find something else to wear in Perth." He is right. It will be warm so maybe a dress that's light and not as tight as the wedding dress will be a lot more comfortable.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now