At this, the puppy begins to slowly approach my hand before devouring the cookie causing him to start waving his little tail. "They won't hurt you again." I say stroking the head of the little fluffy puppy. I'm sure he can understand me.

In my early childhood, I always wanted to have a pet, a faithful companion who is always by my side no matter what. However, I never got the chance. "Do you... do you want to come with me and use this world as our playground?" I ask hesitantly.

At my question, the pup's eyes glow brightly before he jumps on top of me and starts licking my face. "Stop, you tickle me, hahaha!" I chuckled on the floor pulling the pup away from my face shortly after. "You will need a new name." I whisper massaging my chin.

Experiment 626 is not a good name considering all he had to go through in this place and for some reason, I keep thinking of a blue alien.

Come to think of it, he does have a certain resemblance to... I got it!

"Welcome to the Hydra initiative, Rover." I say with a sly smile on my face as the now-christened Rover barks happily running around me.

And to think that a few moments ago this adorable puppy tried to eat me. Really the best pet that I could wish for.

"Okay, it's time to get out of this place before the heroes or commission members arrive." I whisper exhausted using my robotic tentacles to lift myself off the ground and hover in the air before Rover jumps on top of me and curls up on top of my head.

On our way out of the lab Rover snarls at the oblivious minions around us. "Don't worry boy, they won't hurt you again." I whisper with a dark look on my face.

Soon after, Dabi's figure becomes visible by the destroyed door with his hands in his pockets and looking intently at me before looking over at Rover. "Any serious injuries?" He asks seriously to which I shake my head and he sighs. I guess this is his way of worrying about me.

"All in order?" I ask taking a lollipop out of my pocket before starting to eat it, sweets allow me to think better and recover energy a little faster.

"Some idiots tried to escape... I quickly dealt with them." Dabi says with a shrug as we walk out of the warehouse and I notice some burn spots on the floor along with traces of ash.

It seems that Dabi was taking out his frustrations on these poor bastards. However, I don't blame him... These people are the worst.

If the Hero Commission manages to recover the data stored in the computers that still remain in the laboratory, they will be able to resume these twisted experiments again in another clandestine location.

So the most logical option at this point is to completely destroy the entire lab.

"What are your orders?" Dabi asks narrowing his eyes in the direction of the lab behind us.

I am not a hero, nor am I a vigilante... I am a villain for fun and in my game, I make the rules.


POV Third Person

"Inside that laboratory, there are no humans or animals... only monsters." Child Emperor whispers cryptically licking his lollipop innocently as a vicious smile spreads across Dabi's face.

He perfectly understood what Child Emperor meant.

"Well said." Dabi says cruelly pointing his hands in the direction of the laboratory and using his special gloves with the symbol of Hydra. "Blood and fire!" He exclaims furiously snapping his fingers, this causes a huge explosion of blue fire which begins to consume the lab fiercely.

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