This place looks nothing like the base of a criminal organization. This place looks like it's straight out of a very disturbing horror story!

This reminds me of the story that young Isamu-kun showed me from the internet about an endless corridor. I still remember his cheeky smile when he saw my hands shake as he told me the story.

Despite being the number 1 Hero, despite being the symbol of peace and facing numerous challenges, paranormal things terrify me even more than my former teacher Gran Torino.

My thoughts are interrupted when the old telephone on the wall next to me begins to ring ominously.

"What kind of twisted place am I in?" I stutter as my legs shake involuntarily and carefully reach my hand to the old phone. Whatever it is, they know I'm here.

 Whatever it is, they know I'm here

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I hope... I hope the assault group does better. Then I answered the mysterious call and the voice from the other end reached my ears.

"Hello? Hellooo..."

Shortly after, heavy footsteps began to approach me, starting this horrible nightmare.


POV Third Person

Present time.

The tension in the streets of many cities in Japan is evident, the live broadcast coming from the EmperorTube platform has spread like wildfire throughout Japan and around the world.

Child Emperor's battle against Captain Celebrity caught the attention of millions of people around the world as well as many media outlets who began broadcasting the situation live, massively raising the audience.

In a gloomy bar, a television set at full volume is broadcasting the news.

"...If you've just tuned in, the S-Rank villain known as Child Emperor is broadcasting live on the infamous EmperorTube platform. Apparently, a group of heroes raided the base of operations of the criminal organization Hydra..." The news is interrupted while another channel is tuned.

"...The football game has just been called off while the big screens in the stadium play EmperorTube's live broadcast..." Another channel tunes in.

"...Hundreds of people have gathered around..." The TV turns off.

"Hydra this, Hydra that...everyone talks about Hydra and the Child Emperor." Tomura growls squeezing his remote tightly, causing the remote to disintegrate before Tomura starts scratching his neck in irritation and walking over to his laptop.

"Why? Why didn't the brat contact us this time? Surely All Might is among those heroes." He whispers through clenched teeth and stares intently at the computer screen.

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