"Child Emperor is very unpredictable and that worries me!" Midnight exclaims due to the loud sound of the music swinging her whip against a huge stereo with the Hydra symbol shattering it into many pieces. However, two other stereos take their place, massively increasing the volume of the music.

Just then, Sir Nighteye's glasses begin to crack a little like any glass in the room before a massive sonic shockwave produced by the stereos sends the heroes flying into a wall. Next, the lights in the room sync to the music as confetti is fired at the heroes.

Cause it's so catchy, catchy!!!~

It's such a catchy song!!!~

Gonna make you happy, happy!!!~

Don't try to fight it, sing along!!!~

Quickly the heroes are back on their feet ready to destroy the stereos. At that, Present Mic stands protectively in front of the group of heroes as a defiant smile spreads across his face as he prepares to unleash his full power.

"I'll take care of this, guys." Present Mic says, sucking in a large amount of air, however, an explosion of confetti occurs in the center of the large room revealing the small figure of Child Emperor.

At this, Eraser Head instantly uses his Quirk on Present Mic thus preventing him from unleashing his full power against Child Emperor as he did in the Furby-Apocalypse accident. Eraser Head still remembers the trauma Child Emperor inflicted on his friend.

"Child Emperor!" Sir Nighteye exclaims as the sound of the music in the room gradually fades.

"That's me!" Child Emperor exclaims with his hands behind his back swaying from side to side and looking at all the heroes present as his eyes sparkle with amusement. "I would like to stay but I am needed on the upper floors." He says as the Tower of Chaos shakes from the fierce clashes taking place on the upper floors.

"I just came to say hi." Child Emperor says cheekily moving his body to the beat of the music. "But don't worry." He says showing both hands which causes the heroes' eyes to widen.

"I brought you a present!" Child Emperor exclaims happily as he removes the shackle from a strange grenade adorned with lights flashing to the beat of the music. "Fire in the hole!" He exclaims with a crooked smile from behind his gas mask as he throws the grenade in the direction of the heroes.

"Wait!" Sir Nighteye exclaims trying to reach Child Emperor, however, it was already too late.

At this, the grenade with lights quickly rolls toward the feet of the heroes causing a white light to cover the entire room. "Boogie Bomb!" Child Emperor exclaims laughing out loud as the volume of the music starts to get louder and louder.

When the heroes regained vision, Child Emperor had disappeared. However, that was the least of their problems.

I got it movin' from left to right! ~

And if you wonder who's to blame! ~

Yeah, it's me stuck in they brain! ~

"My body moves on its own!" Midnight exclaims with her eyes wide open as her body begins to move sensually to the beat of the music. "Child Emperor, what have you done!" She exclaims in panic.

"I can not stop! I feel so young!" Gran Torino exclaims with a smile on his face throwing his cane to the ground as he begins to dance.

"What is happening? Why can't I control my hands and legs!" Present Mic exclaims looking at the heroes around him in a similar state before looking intently at Eraser Head. "Hahaha!"

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