zonbie apocalypse (part 1)

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Finneys Pov;
It's been 2 months since the zombie virus has begun me, gwen, bruce, and griffin were  the only survivors. It's been tough i've been almost infected 10 times.  "Hey guys should i get food?" i say to my friends in our base "Yeah, we don't have any much left." replied Gwen "I can come too." said Bruce "Alright you and griffin stay here we're gonna get food" I said waving by to Gwen and Griffin.

We arrived to Grab and go, all those old memories I had there, I sighed. I walked in and locked the door so zombies don't come in. There were some zombies in there but we killed them easily, I felt someone looking at me l I turn around to look if there were any more zombies. I saw that there weren't any, weird.

We grabbed some left over snacks that were still surprisingly there. I saw bruce looking over bbq pringles, which were his sisters favorite.. "Hey Bruce, it's okay" I pat his back "I know i just, miss her." he said almost crying. I grabbed his wrist and went back to our base then I felt someone's gaze at me again.

Robins Pov:
Im a zombie, ive been infected for a long time. I was walking to see if there were more people to eat I then walk into the grab and go to see a raven haired boy and a beautiful blonde haired guy. I blush even though i'm zombie he  was different. I turned around and I hid in the corner he shrugged it off and got some snacks. I followed them to his base he looked back again and i hid again.

I don't want his brain, I want his heart.

I then go up to their base, I realized it was a bad idea. I go up and they were screaming then I realized I wasn't human like them I then apologize i was a zombie so i siad it like "i- sroory " they were surprised a zombie was actually apologizing to them. Finney was suprised to "I think he's a nice zombie!" "There's no nice ZOMVIES." yelled Bruce "There can be a chance there is one!" he said in positivity he got a piece of bamboo to keep me from biting people.
(Like nezuko) I then sit down. I wave "What's your name?" said Finney I then get a random pen and write a sloppy Robin. "Robin thats a nice name" Finney said smiling I blush at the sudden compliment.

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