be careful next time

645 14 21

ima do brance! tell me if you want more brance in the future.

(Bruce's Pov)
I was walking with my sister, Amy. "Hey Bruce, can we go to the grab and go for some snacks!!"" said Amy "Of course!" I said as we proceeded to walk in the direction where the Grab and Go was. We walked in, I see a blonde curly haired guy playing PinBall. It was Vance thee hopper, I was never scared of him if i'm being honest he has his reasons. Me and Amy were walking around for some snacks. I then accidentally bumped into someone.

Vance Hopper.

(Vance's Pov)
When I was playing Pinball I feel someone bump into me messing with my game. "HEY WATCH IT" I say grabbing the person who bumped into me's collar I look to see who it was it was Bruce. My crush. I had a crush on  Bruce since 8th grade, he was the reason I got into my first fight, "I'm sorry, but watch where you go next time." I say dropping him down.

(Bruce's Pov)
He didn't punch me? I was surprised , I turned around to look for my sister who witnessed the entire thing with BBQ Pringles in her hands.

"What just happened?" said Amy "I have no idea.."

When I got home I had to tell Finney what just happened. I dialed his number "Hey Finn, I need to tell you what happened at the Grab and Go" "Go ahead" said Finn, after I then explain everything. "HOLY SHIT!!" said Finn "I KNOW RIGHT?" "He defo has a soft side for you" "But we don't even speak?" "You'll never know" Finn said. "Okay Finn we'll see you night!" I said as I hanged up. I
go upstairs and lay in my bed *Im so confused why didn't he kill me?* I proceeded to sleep drowning in my thoughts.

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