prince and the knight

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Finneys Pov:
I am the prince at ernverd (Ifs denver spelt differently, idk 🤷‍♀️) Its been tough ever since my mom who used to be the queen killed her self. I sometimes get into tricky situations like almost getting my self hurt when unsupervised. That's why they hired a knight to look after me. His name was, Robin.

"FINNEY WAKE UP!!" I was woken by my sister Gwen also the princess "Shut up Gwen, 5 more minutes!!" I replied putting my pillows next to my ears. "Wake UP! ROBINS COMING TODAY!!" she says shaking me "Wait really?" I instantly shoot up from my bed. "Mhm!" Gwen says also excited I put on my shirt and my pants and go downstairs for breakfast.

"What's for breakfast today chef Bruce?" I say as I sit on the table, bruce was one of my best friends that I would always talk too. "Eggs and Bacon!" he says "Where's the king?" he asked referring to my dad. "Probably in his room, he barley comes out anymore.." I sigh "Hey Finney! Robin is going to come at 10:00!!" said Gwen sliding off the stair railing. "Oh reall-" I go interrupted by her falling on her face. Me and Bruce then started laughing "Shut up!!" she says get up.  As she sat down and at her food "Delicious!!" Gwen says smiling "Thanks Gwen!" Bruce said smiling. It was 9:30 at the time so 30 more minutes until Robin is coming!!

I finish my food and decided to head outside "I'm going to go outside Gwen, wanna come?" "Sure!" Gwen says we then go outside, we spotted Bruce and his 'bestfriend' Vance eating breakfast so we went to go talk with them. "Hey Bruce! Hey Vance!" I say running up to them and waving "Hey Vance where's Griffin?" Gwen asked since Griffin was Vance's step brother also Gwen's bestfriend, "He's over there at the fountain with Billy." Vance said pointing then Gwen went running, I chuckle. We talked for about 20 minutes then we saw Him.

I saw his black long hair walk to me "Hello I'm Robin your knight!" He said with a grin I blush at the sight of the guy being feminine but masculine. "Hello Prince Finney?" he said snapping me out "Oh uhm yeah" I said standing up "Okay i'll see you guys later!" I say waving to Vance and Bruce. I go and see Gwen to introduce her to Robin I grab Robins wrist as we approached Gwen,  I accidently then have a Y/N moment and trip over a rock and we both tumble on eachother. Me and Robin were both red as a tomato "Uhm sorry let me help you up!" I say as I stand up and and led him my hand. "Thank you prince Finney." He says bowing "Call me Finn!" I say smiling. "Hey Gwen this is Robin!" "OMG YOUR ROBIN YOU LOOK SI COOL!!" say Gwen looking at Robin "Hi princess Gwen, i'm Robin." he says bowing "There's no need for bowing!" Gwen says ruffling his hair. "Oh okay then anything for your princess." not bowing this time.

"Hey Robin do you want to go to the forest since you technically my body guard now?" I say looking at Robin "Of course Prince Finn" I smile at the nickname. We walked to the forest, when we arrived we sat on the bench and admired the beauty of the forest for a couple of hours it's probably 12:00 right now. "Hey Robin?" "Yes Prince Finn?" "You wanna see something?" he nods his head I then take his hand and drag him to my tree house. "Since when did you build this?" robin says raising an eyebrow "I built it a few days ago so I can look at the stars with my telescope it's pretty when you come at night." I smile I see a some pink on his cheeks i shrug it off. I climb up and sit down in my chair in the tree house, "Ifs beautiful isn't it!" I say smiling once again. "Yes really beautiful" Robin said sitting down next to me.

6 hours later

Robins Pov:
I was sitting next to Finney talking and laughing together. I then feel a slight wait on my shoulder. I chuckle at the beautiful sight of Finney sleeping. I carry him down the ladder and walk him to the castle, I walk up the castles stairs to see his door which was covered in space stickers I go inside. I see his room which had purple walls and lots of space related stuff. I put him down on his bed and sit next to him, I played with his hair since it looked soft which I was correct on. His hair was so fluffy and soft I could play with it every day. I yawn and fall asleep next to Finn.

(The Next Day)

Finneys Pov:
I wake up to see Robin next to me sleeping. I blush he was cuddling onto me, "Robin?" I say awaking him "Yes prince Finn" he says in his sleepy voice I blush once again. He then observed him cuddling me "I'm so sorry Prince Finn!" he says i'm a thick accent I'm probably a tomato right now. "It's okay Rob!" I say smiling. We awkwardly look at eachother, I then smile and kiss his lips it was a long passionate kiss I then pull for air "I'm so sorry if you don't feel the same i mean it's only been like a day you k-" I was interrupted by a kiss from Robin it was the best feeling in my life. "FINNEY BLAKE." I hear my dad yell. oh no.

Tutor ~ RinneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora