scream pt.1

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3rd person:

Donna was in her kitchen, she was about to start and cook dinner. As she was getting her ingredients, she heard her telephone ring from an unknown number. Maybe it was her mom or father calling from a different phone, so she answered. "Hello?" asked Donna "Hello." said a deep voice "What's your favorite scary movie?" he asked "I don't like scary movies, but IT i guess?" she said nervous now realizing that this isn't her dad or mom. "So, you have a boyfriend?" "Why you wanna ask me on a date?" smirked Donna "Maybe, do you have a boyfriend?" "No." "You never told me your name." "Why do you wanna know my name?"

"I wanna know who i'm looking at." replied the mysterious voice. Donna was startled, "Look outside. Turn on the porch lights.." said the voice, deepening their tone at the end.  Donna then rushed to lock every window, and everything. Donna then turned on the porch lights to see, a person. This person had a knife, a mask that looked like a ghost, and a dark robe. Her breath got heavier and heavier as it was approaching her. She ran and hid in a closet. "Donna. What a nice name." said the voixe which she heard on the phone 'how did they get in..' she thought to herself terrified. "Donna, Donna.." said the voice once again but it sounded like it got more and more closer. Till, creak, the closet door was open.

Finneys Pov:
It was the last day of highschool! Next year we were going to be all seniors! I'm excited for summer break as we were walking, we being Robin, Bruce, Griffen, Billy, and Vance. Bruce said "Do you guys wanna have a party at my house?" he questioned and looked at us, they (including me) all said yes. "Meet y'all at 6!" he said going to the direction to his house. Everyone went separated and went to the directions their destination was.

(Time skip to 6 pm)

I get ready and tell Gwen about the party and she said that she'll cover for me! I love her so much, and appreciate her a lot. I then say my goodbyes to Gwen and head to Bruce's house.

As 'Daddy issues' by the neighborhood finished I was right infront of Bruce's house, his house was like a mansion. Bruces family was super wealthy, like he has a pool in the back of his house???  As I knock on the door I hear loud ass music. Then Bruce opened the door, "Hey Finn, perfect timing!" Bruce said smiling and made a gesture which meant to come in. I went in and I see Vance and Robin playing just dance, and Griffen and Billy playing candy land. It seemed fun! I go and play just dance with Vance and Robin.

After an hour of playing I got tired and sat down on the couch. After a while Robin and Vance got tired as well. My friends talked on the couch about the murders that have been happening Donna, our principal, and more!  My mom, yes got murdered the year before. So seeing my friend Donna, who sat next to me in english hanged on a tree and gruesomely murdered made me sickening. My friends were talking about it and I started saying that's rude because it sends me flashbacks about my mother.

"Who ever says I'll be right back is definitely the murder, they're not coming back? The fuck." said Robin obviously a little drunk. Then Vance sits up and says "I'm going to get a beer, you want one?" Vance asked Robin, "Yeah sure" replied Robin "I'LL BE RIGHT BACK" he says giggling as he go gets a beer.

"He's so silly i swear" said Bruce. I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." "I'm coming too." said Billy going with him. Then we heard a scream. We then started to run to the direction we heard the scream. Griffins lifeless body was on the floor. His stomach, having tons of stab marks, he was bleeding so much. The blood was everywhere. Billys eyes started water, "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS" he said his voice cracking a bit "WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK.." said Vance coming back with 2 bottles of beer. "This- thi- person had a ghost mask.. A-nd he attacked Griffen.. I tried to sto-p him but he stabbed my a-rm.." Billy said showing his stabbed arm.

"Oh my god who is the fucking murder." said Bruce staring at us and scared, said Bruce backing up. "We need to separate.. Right?" said Robin "Fuck no... But,  I really don't know..." said Vance. "Im going to do something, i'll be right back." I said going to bruce's bedroom to get some stuff to treat Billy's arm. I then get a 1st aid kit, and as I was going to go back stairs. I saw, that ghost figure billy was talking about. He approached me with a knife. And J then started to look for something to get to protect myself, but then I get kicked and hit causing me to bruise. As I was getting assaulted I found some sanitizing spray and start to spray that ghost face figure but it didn't do shit. "FUCK." I said terrified.

Then Billy and Robin came in. The ghost face jumped out of the window. "Holy shit, Mi amor are you okay?". said Robin. "Yeah.. I'm alright.." I said my breath getting heavy.  "Bruce got stabbed.. He's dead." I started to sob, Bruce was my kindergarten bestfriend, we played baseball our fav game, and swung on the slides. Then we then heard Bruce's telephone ring downstairs. Me Billy and Robin confused, go downstairs, and answer the phone. "Hello?" we asked "What's your favorite scary movie." what the fuck. "It?" me and Donna used to watch that, it wasn't that scary to be honest. "Answer this survey. And i'll hang up." probably a prank called "Okay." said Billy "What is Richie scared of?" "CLOWNS." "Beverly?" "Her dad." "Eddie." I then go silent, I didn't know this question. "His.. Mom?""Wrong, infectious diseases." I then hear.

"1." the deep voice started to count, me Robin and billy looked at eachother and ran. We fucking ran and hid under Bruce's bed. We then heard someone come in the room. We heard their footsteps. We saw the ghost faces shoes, black converses. No one wore black converses, so we didn't know who it was. We then see the ghost faces face in our face. We then get out of the bed and start to run downstairs, we see Bruce on the floor and bleeding like he's been stabbed.

We then turned around and the ghost face was gone. We then see ghost face and Bruce, "BRUCE THATS THE MURDER!! wait bruce?" said Robin since he was dead when he last saw him. Bruce's shirt had blood where his stabs were.

"Hello Robin." said Bruce with a white autotunner which was the ghost faces voice. The ghost face then took off their mask and "VANCE?"

(i never watched scream just some spoilers here to there so pls tell me if i did good or not?

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