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Hi my name is Finney! I was trained by my mom how to use a bow and arrow, how to figure out if it's going to rain or not, how to read, and what kinds of plants/flowers are deadly and what are not, karate, how to fight and more I have been trained much more but it'll be tiring explaining how much. But sadly, she died of an illness. It left me heartbroken, and I had to deal with my alcoholic father whom my mom left. My mom was way more fun than my dad. My last name is holmes, yes like Gwen Holmes. Gwen Holmes is my sister, she's a famous detective and a brave soul, she is always on the lookout. But since god loves me so much, she has been reported, missing recently.

Many people have assumed that she ran away or that she's solving another case. But knowing her she would actually send me a letter, talking about how excited she is about the case she's going to do. She would tell me all about it knowing I love hearing all the cases she tells me. I wish I was like my sister,  I also want to be a detective. I've never been on a real case though, since I lived with my mom lmost of my life. "Finney Holmes." said my father "Yes Father?" I replied "You will be sent to the london army to help with the war, since you are of age." He said gulping some alcohol. "I am far too young to be in the army, father"'I say angry, "well too bad" he said back "I WILL JOT GONTO THE ARMY." I yell from the top of my lungs "AND YOU CANT MAKE ME." he then breaks whatever he was drinking bottle. "YOU WILL NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT, YOU WILL BE GOING IN 2 DAYS, UNDERSTAND?" he says full of anger. I sighed knowing that he'll kick me out if I said something back "Yes. Father." I say rolling my eyes walking to my room.

My room was gathered in space wallpaper and space objects. I had space books in my bookshelf too. I go to my bookshelf and get a book about Neptune and start to read to myself. I then start to think of a plan, a plan to get out look for my sister, and not join the fucking army. Something then sparks my mind. "Running away" I say under my breathe.

(The next Day)

I yawn and I arose from my bed to hear the telly down stairs which my father was watching. I sigh and get dressed, I wear a white collared shirt and some brown pants, a jacket over it, and topped it with a beret! I walk down stairs and see my dad obviously hypnotized on the television. I sigh and make myself french toast. I thought about my plan to run away. 'Should Indonit today?' wait no I should indeed do it TODAY. Tomorrow i'll be called to go to army, and I can't let that happen. I hate the army, because not all that strong, and i'd probably die first If i was in it.

TimeSkip Jight time:

It was now nighttime, and my plan was ready. I get out of my bed that I was laying on and go downstairs, I made sure to tipy toe down because of the sleepy drowsy father whom was on the couch. I go tipy toe all the way down till I made it down. I tipy toe to the door and slowly open it leading me outside. I go and wear my shoes and start to run to my bike. The plan was to make my bike a distraction and run to the nearest train station.

I go and get my bike and ride it near my house but not too near and start to run away. I feel so free, I go and run to the direction the train station is. I go and put my hands on my knees to take a breather and start to run again.

(Train station)

I am now at the train station, it took a while but I made it. I go on the train and sit down in my seat. I see a girl who looks old enough to be a mother yelling at the train inspector. I take a glance and look to my other side and see a man with a black hat on. I then stop looking and look straight. Then I look up and see something, shaking?

It was a bag, the bag then rolled down and I swear it sounded like a person falling down. "Uhm?" I say confused. Then that someone who was in the bag started to cut the bag open for oxygen and then that person came out. It was a boy, he had long black hair, he also had a bandana on. He was wearing a white collar up shirt with some black pants. He was very attractive. He starts taking deep breaths "Hello?" I say confused "Oh. Hello." he says smiling "Who are you?" he said sitting down "What are you?" I replied "I'm Lord Arellano, Marquess of Basilwether" he says raising his hand for a hand shake. "You're an nincompoop."

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