finding who he likes part 2

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(y'all loved this one so i shall do more of it! I wasnt planning on it but you guys asked so nicely i decided too)

Finney Pov:

'Yeah. 😳' oh that's great! Brits crush likes her! I'm so happy for her, even though i cant help but feel disappointed. I felt my heart drop but I went to go and text Brit about it

F has sent an image
F: ilyt

I sigh go on messenger and text Robin again

F: forreal?
R: yeah!
F: actually??????
R: bro i told u already YES
F: I didn't know someone liked that rat ass looking bitch 💀💀💀
R: NAH,, FOUL????
F: I never told her thag before but she does look like it <3
R: she looks pretty stop 😭😭
F: What's your sexuality
R: Gay
Robin has unsent a message
R: straight.

I guess I don't have a chance, but that's weird he unsent a message??? I wonder what he unsent?


I go to school and head to my locker. I get my books and i'm ready to go to science! I go and look the other side and see Robin chatting with Brit. A hint of jealousy hit me, I shrug it off and head to my science class. "Hey Donna!!" I greeted Donna "Hey Finn!!" she replied, we started talking about our day, our weekend, and how we are! I love donna, she's so nice and pretty. Then the bell rang alerting that class was starting then we ended our conversation.

Science was so cool! We learned about space and all of that, i love science if thag wasn't obvious. I then get my notes and stuff to head to math class which was class thag me and Robin had. "Hey Robin!" I smile "Hey Finn!" that's new it was a simple nickname but i was probably blushing like a tomato. "Did you talk with Brit about the whole relationship thing?" "No, honestly. I lied about liking her." My eyes widen "I like boys i'm gay" he chuckles at the end of his sentence "But I wanted to troll you. She's ugly to be honest" I was stunned, I have a chance? "Did you tell her?" "Yeah, she's was crying in the bathroom, but when she came out she was chasing another man who had crazy curly blond hair" Typical Brittany. "Wait so you having a crush was a lie?" "No, I do like somebody" I smile who is it??? He looks at my left eye, right eye, then my lips. "Do I have something on my lips?" "Oh uhm no sorry." The bell rang and now class was starting. Midclass I get thrown a paper ball, I unfold it and it said
"You want to have a sleepover?" - Robin
I saw eith messy handwriting
"Yea sure! I'll have to ask my dad though, i'll tell my sis to cover me"
"Yeah yeah of course! I'm patient!"

I smile and start to pay attention to Mr.Johnson.

(End of Dchool!)

I go and ask my sister to cover for me "Gwen can cover for me?" I ask "Yeah! Of course! I'm going to go Susie's now!" she said smiling since it was a friday. "Bye Finney!" she waved goodbye. Inwaved back and headed to robins house. I knocked on his door "Hello!" said a guy who I assumed to be Robins dad? "You Robins dad?" "Oh no uncle" he said in a thick Mexican accent. "You can come in!" he told me and I took off my shoes and came in "Robin tus novios aquíl" he said but I couldn't understand/translate what he was saying. "CÁLLATE TÍO ÉL NO ES MI NOVIO" He said coming down the stairs. He was wearing a white tang top and some black sweat pants (😳😳) "Hey Finney!" he says grabbing my arm "Uhh where we going?" I asked "My room of course!" we walked to his room and he had many band posters and a messy room but not that messy you know? "Sorry for the mess!" He said "Pft it's fine really" I replied.

"Wanna read some comics together?" "Yeah of course!" He grabbed a comic and we started to read together. I would laugh at remarks here to then. "Hey wanna watch a movie !!" "Yeah sure what movie?" "It!" It's a horror movie, Inhate horror movies but I wanted to look cool so I said "Yeah sure play it!" I hand him the remote and we cuddled under a blanket, CUDDLED. We saw the balloon at the library part and I was scared, I had goosebumps. I then hugged Robin tightly and he looked suprised and put his hand on my chin to make me look at him and he leaned it. We kissed a passionate kiss "I liked you for some while Finn,  I know you didn't know me then but Inreally really love you." I was shocked flabbergasted and I leaned in and kissed him again.


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