the bandana

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Finneys Pov:
It was the day in october, a friday that you gave me your bandana.

"Hey Robin!" I say waving as I sit next to him in math class "Hey Finn." he says waving in response. We then pay attention during math class, I yawn.

Time skip

When math class was over I went outside I then saw Moose and his gang looking at me I then run to the boys bathroom and they were following me I gulp even though his happens every day. I arrive at the boys bathroom and go to the last stall and hide. "Fairy I know you're here." I hear moose say I just stay in my stall "You can come out you Fucking F@G." I sigh and unlock me stall "What do you want?" I say in a frustrating tone "What do we want?" Moose says as he swings a punch at me, his squad then swings multiple punches at me I was sobbing because of how bad it hurt I then hear the bathroom door open..

I look and see who it was it was Robin. "Hey Finn what's happening?" said Robin washing his hands "Just going on going on i guess" I respond "Fuck with finn again I fuck with you." He said staring at moose guys they then left. Robin sighs "when are you going to stick up to your self?" he says "I don't know.." I respond. "Here" he says giving me his bandana "Whenever i'm not here and you're getting bullied wear my bandana on your wrist to remind you of me." he says smiling I put on the bandana on my wrist with a slight smile on my face.

I still wear his bandana on my wrist everyday, ever since I lost him.

I miss him.

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