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feeling angst :)

(TW:  suicide, abuse, bulling don't read if not comfortable :D)

Finneys pov:
Ive been feeling more down lately. My dad hits me and Gwen harder now! I've been trying to get him to stop but he wouldn't he'd hit harder. This also hurt me because of my moms lost as well.
Seeing Gwen's face hurt breaks my heart. Also I've been being bullied lately as well! How awesome..

I sigh and walked into school. I walk towards my locker and grab my books and stuff for my science class (pretend there's no homeroom bc i'm lazy ass bitch) I then bump into someone with black silky hair and a bandana "S-sorry!" i mumbled "No biggie Finn!" i look up and see Robin "Oh its just you." i smile he offers his hand for me to stand back up on my feet and i kindly accepted his hand, blushing as our hands touch. the bell rings "Well i'll see you later finn!" he smiled and left i was left flustered and walked to my science class.

I sat down and class began. I took notes and saw some people whispering and looking at me. 'Weird.. ' i thought to myself as i continued writing down my notes.

(Time skip)

I walk out of class and get my notes for math 'yay a class with robin!' i smiled widely and walked to robins locker "Hey Robin!" i smiled and saw him. He looked at me like i murder someone "Rob what's wrong?" i frowned "Did you really talk shit about me?" he looked at me "W-what?!" i widen my eyes "N-no?!" He gave me a letter and it had in my handwriting 'i hate robin so fucking much, i hate him!' i widen my eyes "That wasn't me." He crumbled the paper and looked at me dead in the eye "I defended you too." he scoffed and crumbled the paper and threw it away. he walked away.

(Next day)

I limp to my locker, my dad hit me in the leg. how wonderful!! i get my stuff and i go to my first period and hearing everyone's gossips 'he's so fake' and 'he disgusts me.' i wanted to become my mom at this point. Now robin shoves me where ever i go and even the bullies bully me harder..

After school:
I limp to my house, Gwen had to go susie's so she left. Now it was me alone. As i limped to my house and entered the house i saw my dad sleeping with alcohol in his hands. I go to my room.

I find a rope and get a stool. "why was i even born." i scoffed and hung the rope on the ceiling and tied a noose on it. I smiled and wrote some notes to my friends

I never talked shit about you i believe your an awesome friend. And to be honest,  i had a crush on you. I loved your black silky hair and your bandana, i know you hate me now but don't worry.

You won't have to deal with me anymore.. '

-Finney blake.'

I write more notes for my friends. Griffen, Vance, Bruce, and Billy. As i finished all of them it was time. To end it all. I go on the stool. And look at the noose which was tied. I put the noose on my neck and kicked the stool. Suffocating me till i died..

Robins Pov:
Finneys so fake now.. I thought i could trust him but i guess not. I eat my cereal since today was Saturday no school thank god. My uncle was watching the news and it sounded interesting so i decided to watch as well. My eyes widen in shock as I looked on the screen.

"Finney Blake, a young child committed suicide in his house." said the news reported. I choked on my cereal 'h-he's gone?!' i thought i then start to tear. They then showed a photo of him hung but they blurred his face. I put down my cereal and run to Finneys house. 'I was too late!' I ran and ran and rung the bell "Hello?" Gwen opened the door her eyes red and her hair messy. She was obviously crying all night. "Oh it's you." she scoffed and let me in. I sobbed "He left a letter for you." Gwen then gave me a letter which had 'R.A' written on it. I quickly opened it and read his letter. I cried harder as i read the lines 'You won't have to deal with me anymore..'

I cried. My tears absorbing on to the paper
I liked you too Finney..

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