angel and devil part:1

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Finneys Pov:
I go in a hallway by myself texting Robin, It was a gloomy and dark hallway but I had my airpod (1 airpod on). I then hear a really loud sound I turn around and take off my 1 airpod  "Uh is anyone there?" I say confused in response i got nothing. I sigh and put back my airpod till I felt a slight pain in my chest, I then look down in shock to see a knife in my stomach and blood everywhere and then drop down and look at the person who stabbed me 'Wh- y" I blurb out until I closed my eyes.

and wake up in.. heaven?

Robins Pov:
My uncle comes in my room knocking. I was on my bed wondering why Finney hasn't been answering me, and my phone calls. "Robin?" my uncle said in a soft voice "Yes?" I say raising an eyebrow "You know, Finney Blake?" he said "Yes he's my boyfriend, why?" "He.. was murdered." I was stunned i was sobbing. My love of my life was murdered! I can't believe this, WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?? My uncle then comforted me and told me it was okay and left when I was better. I was still broken in the inside then everything in my mind was empty. I grab a rope in my room and hang it on my ceiling and

hung myself.

3rd person Pov:
Finneys opens his eyes and saw an angel and a devil. They saw my files which said I was 98% for good and 2% for bad and they said that they would switch me with the angel who had the file since my score was the highest of all good scores. "Will you accept this offer or not?" said the black haired asian angel who i learned was named bruce in a soft voice "Hurry the fuck up." said the devil names Vance "OMG VANCE BE QUIET AND LET HIM SPEAK!!" he then coughs "Yes or no?" "I guess yes?" I say nodding Bruce then explains to me what to do and left I was there with multiple forms in my hands. Then a long haired boy with a bandana shows, heaven makes me loose my memory but he seems familiar? "Where the fuck am i?" said the black haired boy Vance then comes back he left earlier because satan called him I check the form and it said 60% bad and 40% good. "I'm sorry but you have to go to hell-" i then get interrupted "I spoke with satan and the next person who gets bad is the new person is who does the fucking forms so here have the job." Vance says as he gave him forms purposely throwing it at him. "What the hell am i supposed to do?" he says stunned I then explain what to do he respond with "okay". A person then gets teleported I look in their files and it said 80% good and 20% bad "You may go to heaven" I say slightly bowing.

(Time skip 5 years later and they're on their  lunch break)

I look at robin who was eating on the bench messy like. I sigh but it kind of reminded me of something I don't know what though, seemed familiar though like I knew him in my past life. For 5 years he's remind of someone, I sometimes have these faint memories of him and me before as humans. One I had recently was is cuddling while watching a horror movie.

I had only 1 way to solve this, at night whrn all the guards were distracted I snook up to an area which had every file of everyone who was in heaven I seen 'Bruce Yamada' I then see 'Amy Yamada' I saw in their files that both of them died in a car crash together which made me frown. I then look some more and saw my own files. 'Finally I found it' I thought to myself, I open my file to see my full name was Finney Blake Shaw (i think that what his name is in the books) I died from being murdered?! I was confused, but then I saw that I had an relationship area in the file.

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