blue daisy

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(inspired by Hananene Oneshots 'daisy'

"What flowers are your favorite??" said the young boy in a bandana "Hmmm! I like blue daisies! Since they're blue and prewtty!" said the other young boy with curly hair smiling.
Finneys Pov:

Today was monday meaning the weekend has passed. "Finney wake up!!" i heard as I opened my eyes, as I opened my eyes I see Gwen shaking me "5 more minutes" I say in a sleepy voice jokingly. "Finney!!" "Fine i'm up" I say getting up. Gwen proceeds to walk out of my room so I can change. I wear my usually clothes a white shirt with blue sleeves with jeans. I go to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Ignoring my passed out dad in the living room. I opened the fridge to see there was only toast, I sigh and get a piece of toast and put it in the toaster.

I checked the time to see it was 7:40 meaning I have 20 more minutes till school.  I made another toast for Gwen. "Gwen I made you toast!" I said "Oh! Thanks Finney!" replied Gwen. I ate my toast and when I looked at the microwave it was 7:50. I walked to the bathroom to then proceed to brush my teeth. "You ready Gwen?" I said when I was finished with everything "Mhm!"
Me and Gwen went into school. After we then went to homeroom.

(After Homeroom)

After homeroom I went to first period, Gwen's first period was math mines was science. I walked to my locker to get my books, the bell then rang I walked to my first period. I walked in class and proceeded to go to my usual seat, I then saw a blue daisy on my seat with a note saying "For you, Finn. :)". I tapped the girl infront of me, Donna to ask if she placed this and if not saw who placed it, "Donna did you put this here or someone else? If so who was it??" I said "I don't know it was there before I came in." replied Donna shrugging. To be honest I felt flustered, afterall blue daisies are my favorite flower. I then snuck the flower in my bag.

I then told my bestfriend Robin about it since we were walking to 2nd period. "Robin you wont believe it!!" I said "What happened??" "Someone put a blue daisy on my desk!" "Ooo was it Donna??" "It wasn't here, I hope it was" Robin responded with a sigh. The entire way there I kept talking about this mysterious flower. "I wonder who gave it to me!" we then approached 2nd period we walked to our seats. Me and  Robin sat together.

(After school)

I held the blue daisy up I wondered who gave me this, if it's not Donna then who is it? I went to get my phone to text Bruce


Bruce!! I need a favor

Yeah Finn?

Someone gave me a flower, idk who though so i want to figure it out

Oooo! So how are we supposed to do this

I have an idea, we go to school and after homeroom we run to homeroom and hide in  the science rooms closet

Sounds like a plan!

I then closes my phone and closed my eyes and fell asleep with the daisy in my hand.

(Next day)

I wake up early without Gwen begging me too. I change and see Gwen who just woke up "You're up early?" said Gwen confused. "I just slept way earlier than my bed time." I lied. I made toast and ate breakfast "Gwen I made you some toast!!" "Finn why in such a rushh" said Gwen yawning.

(When at school)

I made it to school and automatically looked for bruce. I then finally found him with Vance, "Bruce!" "You ready for today?" "Mhm!" I said smiling. The bell rang alerting homeroom Bruce then kissed Vance on the cheek "See you! Vance!" we left Vance who was red as a tomato.

After Homeroom.

After homeroom me and Bruce ran straight to science. We then immediately hid in the closet we opened it a little, since Bruce was taller than me he was going tell me who it was. We waited till we heard the door open, Bruce was stunned. "Who is it?" I said whispering Bruce ignored me, I then pushed Bruce. We both fell out of the closet then I see Robin. Robin was the one putting the daisies on my desk. "Robin?" I said stunned and flustered.

"Uhm hey Finn it's not like it seems I was just going to my seat." Robin said with a nervous laugh "Robin, we're not in the same 1st period what do you mean??" "Fine you caught me, sorry if you think i'm weird now i jus-" I interrupted Robin with a kiss. "I'm going too vance now i guess" said Bruce as he left the room. Robin then broke the kiss "You... Like me back?" said Robin confused "Mhm!" I said smiling while kissing his cheek. "Finn would you be my boyfriend?" "YES!" I said hugging him.

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