New year, New lover.

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Donna recently broke up with Finney since she apparently found someone knew. She said that their name was Chad. Donna than proceeded to block/ghost him on every social media. Finney sobbed every day after that, since he was a little popular after the grabber thing (pretend that no one got kidnapped! 🤭) everyone was gossiping. During math class Finney got passed a note he then proceeded to read it "Hi you don't know me but i'm Robin, and ik ur situation right now. if it'll make u feel better we can go to a cafe. Here's my house number if you need me XXX-XXX-XXX " which was in messy hand writing. Finney smiled that someone actually cared about his situation and what he's going through right now.

After School

Finney decided to go and look for Robin. He spotted Robin and ran for him "Hey, uhm thanks for that note btw wanna go to the cafe?" "Of course" replied Robin. They then saw someone in the corner of their eye which was gwen who was giving a confused look. "Who are you?" said Robin "Finns sister, Gwen." replied Gwen "who are you?". she continued like she was interrogating Robin. "Robin, i'm Robin."  As gwen was about to reply "Gwen wanna come to the cafe with us?" said Finn interrupting  "Bet!" said Gwen

They both walked to the Cafe and ordered some drinks. "Hey Finn?" "Yes?" "I heard that you and Donna broke up correct?" "Mhm.." "Well I was thinking uhm, maybe we can fake date to make her jealous..?" "Sure, that sounds like a great plan!" said Finney. Finney wanted Donna back so desperately.
"So y'all bf's?" said Gwen "SHIT I FORGOT ABT U.." said Finney.

(Next day)

Me and Robin held hands on the way to school if i was honest i blushed a little. Everyone glanced at us, even Donna who was stunned. I whispered "do you think it's working?" "yeah i saw donnas face" replied Robin also whispering. We had separate classes so we said our goodbyes Robin even said 'Bye, Hun' i felt my cheeks burn when he said that.  I proceeded to go to my classes like a normal day.

(After again because yes i'm lazy)

I was walking with Robin and Gwen when Donna approached us "is it true? you guys are.. dating?" she said in a jealous tone "yes?" i replied "i didn't like chad thought.." she said in a sad tone looking at her feet.I dated Donna for what 6 months and i know when she looks at her feet she is definitely lying. "Go i don't want to see you again leave me alone Donna." i responded. Robin and Gwen stayed quiet.

We walked to a Grab And Go to get some snacks we looked in a corner of the store to see Vance kissing Bruce? Basically making out already, I tap Robin and point at the 2 lovebirds we were both shocked "What are you guys looking a-" I put my hand over her eyes "Uh don't worry it's nothing" We payed for out snacks and headed out.  "Hey uh new years is what a week away, wanna come to my house?" said Robin I thought about it since my dad wouldn't do anything for new years, new years was basically just a normal regular day "Sure!" I said I then look at Gwen to see if she agrees aswell she nods.

(A Week Later!!)

Me and Gwen got ready I wore my blue cardigan with a white shirt underneath and some jeans. "Why are you wearing your cardigan?" said Gwen "Because we're going to Robins?" "No why? you only wear it on special occasions??" replied Gwen confused i blush "uh uhm no i don't haha" i say as I drag her out of the house. Gwen then proceeds to smirk. We arrived to Robins house in 15ish minutes I knock on his door "Robin!" he then opens the door. I see a lot his uncle who was in the house with fire works in his hands, "Let's go!" said Robin dragging me and Gwen. It was 11:50, 10 more minutes!! We did a lot of fireworks they were definitely illegal ones. "Hey uhm Finn" "Yes Robin?" "I wanna say something.." "Yes?" "I- LIKE YOU!" said Robin blushing looking away "I like you too Robin!" I smile. We then heard "1.2.3!!" when it was almost to the Happy new year part me and Robin kissed "HAPPY NEW YEARS!" said Robins uncle and Gwen.

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