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(Finney's Pov)
During school I saw Robin hanging with this boy, his name was 'Jacob' I believe. They were having a really fun time laughing, giggling, blushing.. I felt this feeling in my stomach, I felt hurt. Suddenly, tears came out of my eyes.

I ran into the bathroom sobbing why was i feeling this way me and Robin and just friends and nothing more. Why was I even crying? These thoughts stopped when the bell rang 2nd period. I go and rinse my face when I looked in the mirror my eyes were red and puffy.I sigh to myself till I walked to 2nd period art.

Me and Bruce were in there so I wanted to tell him everything. As I was walking there I got a couple of stares including from Robin. I didn't care thought, I sped walk all through it. When in art class I see Bruce sitting in a desk since he's always early I go and sit next to him "Hey Finn, what's wrong?" he said as he looked in my eyes. "I'll tell you later, outside of class" I said as class started we learned how to shade.

After class I met with Bruce, "So what's wrong said Bruce" "Robin, for some reason he was talking to this 'Jacob' guy he looked like he was blushing or something!" "Do you like Robin?" "Well I don't know, we're just friends.." "You sure?" "Well fine I guess I like him." "Were you perhaps jealous?" "Jealous?"

As I said that the bell rang next period which was math which he was in.. "Well see you Bruce" "See you!" said Bruce walking away, as I was walking there i felt my heart skip a beat. Then there I was in-front of math class I walked in and went to my normal seat. As I seated a boy long hair, with a bandana on came and sat next to me, just my luck.

In the middle of class I get a note passed to me "Hey Finn you okay? :( - Robin" I write down a reply "Yeah- Finney" Another note gets thrown to me after that note "Meet me after school- Robin" I nod in response.

(Time skip after school)
As I was walking to Robins house I felt my heart beating again. When I reached my destination I knocked on the door. I suddenly see the door open "Hey Finn come in." said Robin I go in and take off my socks and go upstairs to his room. When reached I get asked "Finn what's wrong?" said Robin on his bed " Who were you hanging out with? This morning." "Oh Jacob? he just a friend." "Okay then." I said

"Are you jealous?" said Robin "No!" Robin looked at me, knowing I was lying. "Fine yes I was.." "Hey just because I was hanging with him doesn't mean you're not my bestest friend!" "It isn't that.." "What is it then?" "I like you, Robin." I said looking in his precious brown eyes "I like you too Finn!" Robin says surprised and happy at the same time. "May I kiss you?" I nod our lips connected, it was a sweet and soft kiss I enjoyed it. We broke the kiss afterwards for air, "I love you Robin Arellano." "I love you too, Finney Blake."

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