Chapter 6

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3rd person Pov:
Robin was going to Finns house because it was finally the weekend. As Robin got to the doorstep he knocked on the door, he then saw his beautiful boyfriends face as he opened the door. Finn smiles and says "Hey Rob!!", "Hey Finn!" Robin reply's too with a smile. Robin walks in and takes off his shoes. "My dad went somewhere he told us that he'll be back on Wednesday so it's just me, you, and gwen!" Finn says, Robin just nodded his head in response with a smile on his face.

Gwen was in the living room playing with dolls, she got up and went to Robin, "Can you play dolls with me pleaseeeee" she says in a begging tone. Robin groaned when asked several times by Gwen, he then finally accepts. Gwen's eyes were filled with excitement and proceeded to pull him where her dolls were. Gwen looks at Finn and says "Play with me too Finney!" Finn nods since she's his sister afterall.

"So Finney you're the mom and Robin you're the dad, i'd be the daughter!!" said Gwen, Finn and Robin nodded. "Oh honeyyyy!! It's Lucy's first day in school!! Drop her off please" said Finn in a high pitched girl voice. Robin & Gwen were giggling at Finn. "Okay Hun" said Robin in a deep man voice. Everyone was giggling, sooner or later it went to playing with dolls to baking. Gwen had an idea to bake cookies! Robin was in charge with the flour when he put it in it went all over his face. Finn and Gwen all laughed "Oh shut up!!" said Robin sarcastically.

Robin started to put flour in all of their faces laughing. After putting all the ingredients in together they put it in the oven. "How much time does it need to be in the oven for?" said Finn "Probably like 2 hours-3 hours" said Robin "Seems accurate!" said Gwen. Finn made the timer for 2 hours, when the timer ended they opened oven to see burned cookies. Finn said "ROBIN." while chasing him. Robin screamed, "Gwen HELP ME!!" Gwen just laughed and said "Goodluck" while giggling. Afterall they all had fun.

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