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Rinney! <3

Finneys Pov:
I open my eyes and arose from bed, It's friday and me and Robin have a tutor lesson today! Robins my 'bestfriend' he isn't my crush I swear! ... you didn't say that huh.

Yes he is my bestfriend, yes I have a little crush on him. But that's it, nothing more. I do my daily routine which was brushing my teeth, getting my clothes ready, and preparing breakfast for Gwen and I. As Gwen was finished with her blue berry muffin, both of us left and took off to school! 
"So how's you and Amy?" I say pushing her shoulder, she quickly blushes "Shut up" she pouts. 

As we reached school I waved goodbye to Gwen! "Bye Gwen!" I say waving "Bye Finn!" She said also waving. I go to my locker and get my stuff.  Basically notes for my first period, science! Science is of course my favorite subject! I love astronomy and sorts, the stars and the planets never fail to satisf- my thoughts then get interrupted by Robins hand "Earth to Finn?" He said waving his hand in my face "Oh yeah Robin, your house after school?" I say smiling "Yeah!" he quickly smiles as well but then the bell rang.

*After Science!*

After science I had math with Robin. I get my notes from my locker and quickly go to see Robin, but he's talking with my ex bestfriend?? Her name was Macy. She was my ex-bestfriend because she was secretly dating the person I liked before, and she knew, SHE KNEW. I liked them. I was going to ask Robin if he wanted to walk with me, but then him and Macy walked together in the direction math class was. That bitch. I sigh and walk by myself, sad.

I go into math class and some reason Robin and Macy were still talking, I felt a hint of jealousy but I shrugged it off. I must make him jealous aswell then? The game is on. But who with, I don't know. So the plan automatically canceled. I groan 'Whag the fuck do I do' I thought to myself. I glanced at them 10 times, I hope they didn't notice. But I was completely jealous, forget the 'hint of jealousy' I was full of jealousy.

*Adter his 3rd Period bc im lazy <3)

At the end of art, the bell then rang and I went to lunch. Me and Bruce had art together so we just decided to sit at each others tables at lunch, we were best friends anyways. I went to go with Bruce guys table, Bruce was bestfriends with Donna so she was there as well. Rose was also there, we chatted and chatted. (Donnas good in this dw) "Hey Finney!" "Hey Donna!" "How's your day?" Donna asked "Good whag about you?" We then started to talk about our day till the bell rang. "Ugh, Bye guys!" I waved goodbye and went to Social studies.

I had Social studies with Macy, and I saw her looking outside the class sometimes. I suspect she wanted to go already because she wanted to go with Robin. I sigh, I fucking hate her. As the bell rang, 1 more period till we go home. I was so excited. I hated today.

(After 6th period!!)

It was the end of the day! Yay! I run out of my 6th period classroom and go to my locker to put back my stuff. I then hear "Macy wanna walk with me" Inturn and it was Robin asking that. He looks 10x happier with her than me.. I facepalm myself in the face realizing I spaced out. I then go and walk to the school doors and see Donna, waiting for me! "Hey Don!" I say "Hey Finney, wanna walk with me?" "Of course, Jll love to!" I say smiling.

Me and Donna talked about how our days went! Like funny moments that happened, what we learned, etc etc. As we were walking to my house, Macy lived in my neighborhood which I forgot. And Macy and Robin were in the opposite side walk of us. And I saw Robin, glancing at us. As me and Donna said our goodbyes since she dropped me off to my destination. I saw Robin staring at her, he looked.. I don't know how to explain it but sad? I couldn't tell, and I went to my room to get ready for my tutoring lesson with Robin.

As I got ready, I heard a knock on my door. "Finney! Robins here!" said Gwen "Oh okay Gwenny, i'm coming!" I say,  I then walked out of  my room to the front door and opened it. "Hey Robin!" "Hey Finn, what's happening?" He said greeting me "Nothing much, me and Donna just hung out most of the day, you?" I asked "I hung out with Macy, she's pretty funny you know" I nodded my head "Mhm.." I replied

"I saw the way you looked at Donna, what were you guys talking about." He said out of no where, but a hint of jealousy in his voice. "Why are you jealous?" I said teasing him "Uh-Uh no." he replied, I looked at him smirking "Ugh, yes I was" he grew beer red, I hug him and say "It's fine you'll always be my bestfriend!" I say grinning through my lie I told, I didn't want him to be my bestfriend, I wanted us to be more.

"Oh. Yeah bestfriend..." He said obviously sad. "Finn, can I tell you something.." "Of course Robin!"

"I like you."

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