He forced me!

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Finney's Pov:
I can't believe it, i like the popular boy Robin. The way his raven long hair waves back and forward when he walks, the way he smiles and laughs it sends goosebumps down my spine. I go and walk to my locker after I get my stuff I look to see the time on my watch it read 7:40 which meant Robin was on his way! I waited till he came I then saw his bandana I blush and admire his face. I go to my 1st period science, i had my 3rd period math which was the period I had with Robin.

I wouldn't pay attention to the teacher only too Robin, my grades were still average though since I understood the assignment.
I can't wait till 3rd period.

Robins Pov:
I go into 3rd period and sit down in the back to see a beautiful curly blonde haired guy come in the class. Finney, my crush no one knew i was gay though i never told anyone since my uncle does accept he's homophobic. I sigh and open my notes i suck at math though. "today youll guys have to partner up with another person for this project !" said ms.johnson. Everyone found a partner except me and Finn, the teacher then says "Finney and Robin you guys have to do the project together. Since your the last 2 people left" I blush. "Hi Robin!" said Finney in his sweet voice "Uhm Hi-i F-inn" I stutter Finney response in a giggle. " Okay so basically we have to
-" said Finney explaining what to do in the project. I zone out for a little because i'm finally doing a project and talking to my crush!! "Robin?" said Finn confused "Sorry continue!" I say embarrassed.

The bell then rings I sigh. "That's the bell bye robin!" said Finn waving. I wave bye as well and go sit next to vance in the cafeteria talking to his step brother griffin they ended their conversation with griffin showing the middle finger. I laugh "Hey Vance" I say waving as I sit next to him "What's up?" said Vance starting a conversation. "You can't believe it! I got partnered with Uranus!" (Finneys code name) "BE FUCKJNG FOR REAL BRO." said Vance slamming the table which made people look at us "SHUTBUP" J said whisper yelling. "By the way Bruce is hosting a party" "Your boyfriend?" Vance spits out his food "NO!" replied Vance embarrassed, "When is the party?" "This saturday around 7" Thank god today was friday I might invite Finney.

I walk to finneys table "Finney do you want to come to Bruce's party? its at 7 tomorrow!!" I say in excitement "Of course I'll come!" Finney says with his heart warming smile.

Day Of Party

Finneys Pov;

I wore a white blue shirt with blue jeans
"Come on Gwen!" I say telling her to hurry the fuck up "I'm coming i'm coming!!" she says running down the stairs. "We'll be back dad." I say waving "Alright." We walk to the party I put my ear buds on listening to Boys don't Cry. When we made it we smelt alcohol I also heard people saying chug chug chug, "Finney!" Robin says while hugging me "Robin! Gwen go hang out with Donna, no alcohol okay?" I say waving "Okay!" she says heading to donnas direction. "Wanna play spin the bottle with griffin, Vance, Bruce, and Billy?" "Sure."

We went to Griffin guys and Griffin first spun the bottle which landed on Vance. "Truth or Dare Vance? " "Dare!" "I dare you to kiss the prettiest boy here!" Vance then kisses Bruce on the cheek and sits back down embarrassed. Both were blushing all of us were laughing Vance then spins the bottle and it lands on Billy "Truth or dare Billy?" "Truth." "Is it true you're a homosexual?" "Yes" he says with a straight face he then winks at griffin, griffin looks away. Griffin then spins it, it lands on me. (Idk how spin the bottle works.) "Truth or dare Finn?"

"Dare!" "I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Robin!" I blush but I drag Robin by his wrist to the living room closet. We go into the closet In probably red as a tomato right now. "Uhm hey Finney" "Yes Robin?" I say raising an eyebrow "Do you like anyone?" said Robin blushing. "Yeah why?" I say confused "Nothing.." We sit there in silence I try to process what he meant by that. Wait, does he like me? "Robin do you like me?" I say nervous "Uhm YES!" he says yelling I then kiss him on the lips, I then hear them saying 7 minutes up but I kept kissing him "Mmm Finney!" Robin says as we collapse out of the closet. Everyone was looking at us, "Robin?" everyone said "And Finney?" everyone started to talk.

Robins Pov;
Finney kissed me after we collapsed we saw everyone staring at us. What about my popularity, this would damage my popularity. It could also get me kicked out from my house since my uncle is homophobic, my parents were as well which made me more ashamed.  I said the first thing that came to mind.. "HE HE FORCED ME!!" I say sobbing I look at Finney who was looking at me tearing then running away. "I- wait no FINNEY!" I say yelling wanting for him to come back.

we never saw eachother again..

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