Chapter 2

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Finneys Pov:
I wake up and see Robin sleeping on the floor, I yawn. I wake up Robin, "Ughhh" said Robin. "Get uppp Robin we have school!!". Robin nodded his head no and pretended to go sleep which I laughed to, I shook him to wake up which he eventually did. I let robin barrow my clothes, and let him change in my bathroom. When he came out my cheeks turned a tint of pink, for some reason he looked adorable in my clothes which was a nasa shirt and jeans. Me and Robin ate breakfast and went to school.

Robins Pov;:
Me and Finney went to school I was wearing his clothes it surprisingly fitted me as we walked into school we saw that we both had separate classes  so we went separate ways. I went into my class which was history and saw my friend Billy Showalter, he was the paperboy of the town, and nice & fun to hang out with. "Hey Robin how are you?" said Billy, I respond "Good thanks for asking". As I said that I heard the bell ring and the teacher started teaching.

Finneys Pov:
I had science first period and had to go the opposite way then Robin. I sat down, my crush Donna was in my class. She was pretty she had brunette hair and was kind & sweet. We had to get partners nobody I knew was in the class, I see Donna approach me and ask me to be my partner which I accepted.

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