"Come on Roscoe, I'm almost faster than you!" After doing this a couple of times I feel a bit over heated to I pull my top over my head and drop the shorts, leaving me just in my bikini.
"I'm going to cool down for a minute." I shout at Lewis before running into the cool water.
As soon as I feel the water against my warm skin I sigh with relief. This feels good.
When it gets deeper I dive into a wave, swimming away from the surf a bit further.
This doesn't scare me as I'm still close to the shore. It's not like open water if I'm on a boat with no coast anywhere near me.
As I turn around I see Lewis standing on the sand, just staring at me.

When I look in the distance I can see the spot where Daniel is having his interview. I hope he gets to finish soon, because I haven't seen much of him today.
When I feel I've cooled down enough, I swim back to where I left Lewis.
"The water is really nice. Too bad you didn't bring your swimming trunks." I say when I'm close enough.
"Oh well, maybe next time." He shrugs and I suddenly feel mischievous.
I scoop up water in my hands and toss it over to Lewis. Hitting him on his chest, leaving him gasping, because obviously the water is nice and cool.

"You really are a cheeky one aren't you?" He laughs as he comes after me when I run through the surf.
"I just thought you looked a bit hot, I just wanted to cool you down. Aaaah!" I scream when I feel his arm around my waist, lifting me from the wet sand.
"Lewis! Put me down!"
He jogs further into the water, he's wearing shorts so he can go in quite far. When we're about thigh deep into the water he just drops me.
The water splashes over me, luckily I am quick enough, closing my mouth so I don't take in a gulp of salt water.

"There, I put you down." He is slapping his thighs with laughter when I come back up.
"This wasn't exactly what I had in mind." I get back on my feet, leaping towards Lewis as I try to knock him off his feet, but unfortunately he's way too stabile and strong. So he's not even moving.
In the mean time Roscoe is jumping around us, barking.
Because I can't make Lewis fall on his ass, I splash water over him, kicking it with my foot.
At least I can get some payback for him throwing me in the water.

His shirt is soaked now, sticking on to his body. I have to admit, he is really fit and his body is absolutely gorgeous. I think any woman would be lucky to have him. Not just because he's very handsome and hot as hell, but also because he's so kind and caring. I really hope he finds what he's looking for. He deserves it.
I glance over the beach again, but I see Daniel is still there, talking to Jack.
"Come on Sky, you're shivering. Let's get you dried up in the sun." Lewis says and I realize he's right. I am getting cold, so I start to walk out of the water, but suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my foot.

"Aaauww shit!" I try to look under my foot, but I can't keep my balance.
"What's wrong?" Lewis quickly comes to me, holding me up. I try to put my foot back on the sand, but as soon as I put weight on it, I feel as if somebody stabs a knife in it.
"I don't know, I think I stepped into something sharp, it hurts like hell." I lean on his shoulder, but suddenly he scoops me up bridal style and carries me to my clothes where he lowers me so I sit on the sand.
He takes my foot to see what's going on.

"There's definitely a nice cut there. I can't see if anything is in there, because it's bleeding, but I'll get you back to one of the medical staff at the circuit." I grab my top, putting it back on over my wet bikini. At least it's a bit warmer,
When I try to put my feet in my short, it's immediately blood stained. The blood is now dripping out of the cut into the sand.
"Forget about those shorts, just hold them and your sandals. I'll carry you back."
He puts one arm in my back and the other underneath my knees, scooping me up again.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora