Africa is a large country and there are many places that were still unoccupied that we can live a decent normal life, with modern technology and money we can live in a desert and be cool, or in a barren land and still have all we need. I sigh, I didn't know growing up would have so many responsibilities and I've been facing them like forever. I wish I didn't have to always be on top of game, always making sure everything goes the way it supposed to for our safety and benefits.

  The aroma of frying fish came through the opening and permeated the tent, I got up and went out to see why the place was so quiet and find Mr. Cleve relaxing on a chair under a tree where one could view all around. I wave at him and he wave back at me as I yawned covering my mouth and looking towards the motor home where the sound and smell of fish frying came from. When I went inside Adajay was busy making a large dish of vegetables while Dean stood over the pots on the stove, I yawned again and Adajay snorted a laugh.

  "The others decide to go and have another dip in the river before we're ready," Dean informed me.

  I laugh softly looking out from the doorway of the motor home to the direction they had gone in, then I say. "I'm going to start pulling down the tents so we can start packing up to leave."

"Ok," Dean says and I turn and left.

                      Dean's pov

  After the hours of driving to the campsite I was tired and wanted to sleep, I was dozing off in the time Demar went and checked us in and came back. "They say we can park anywhere we chose, the park isn't book out at this time of the year and I got this rule book," he says holding up a small booklet.

  I glance at him sideways in the semi dark cab of the motor home, he was acting like I didn't know he had already viewed the layout of the campsite from google map. His tablet beeped and he took it up and unlock it, just as I thought Donahue had the drone with the night vision on the camera over the property. There was a low sniffle from the living space sounding like Cam who was back there with all the children, they had grown quiet some time ago and must be asleep.

  All the adults that got out after we parked looked about lazily with the lights from the headlights of the vehicles, Demar walk about with his tablet in hand monitoring the drone and viewing the campsite. After what seem like an hour but could only be fifteen minutes or less he lower the drone and Donahue pack it up. We got back into the vehicles and drive a short distance passing a few campers who were already turned in for the night and stop in a wide grassy area with large overhanging trees.

  I couldn't wait to see what the place looks like in daylight, a serge of excitement shot through me at the thought and I jump into action to help set up the tents when I realized that only Mr. Denzel was helping Demar. It was a bit windy and the most difficult part was stringing up the electrical wires that were connected to the solar power converter. The children had to be carried inside the tents, then my mother shoo me away when I came to help her to change the sheets and make up the bed in the motor home where she and Mr. Cleve will be sleeping.

The next morning

  Noises from outside wake me up the following morning and I was surprised when I look at the time and saw that it was already past ten. I change my clothes in the private parted space of the tent me and Demar slept in and then hurried outside to the restrooms to take care of my hygiene a short distance away. The place was beautiful and all around nature was in it's full glory, I pause in my walk and took a deep breath before continuing with a wide smile pinned to my face.

  Breakfast had been kept warm by the fire for me and I thanked Cam who informed me that it was prepared by our mom. "Demar gone find out if we can drive the trucks fi guh pon di tours fi si di animals or if we affi guh wid di wild life vehicles and Bartley and the others gone walk bout," she says rubbing her large belly bump.

  "I hope you have a boy," I say sipping the hot chocolate tea.

  She snorted and says. "I hope it is, but yuh better nuh mek Desmond hear. It's all about having two boys and two girls fi him, like I don't want to have a son."

  I laugh looking at her wrung up face and I can just imagine the disagreement they were having over their unborn child. "Mi not even a laugh, him past bright," she says sounding seriously upset.

"Woiiieee, watch ultrasound and disappointment," I tease clapping her on her leg.

"Cho!" She exclaims with a short laugh.

"I hope a twin," I say provoking her further and she flung a piece of fry dumpling at my head.

I ducked and laugh at her, snatching up my plate and sitting in the other chair further away from her. "Gal mi nuh waan mi pickney come favor yuh ino," she says jokingly.

  "A di best looking pickney you woulda have," I tell her with attitude.

"Mi a guh tell Cameyon sey yuh sey shi ugly," Cam says and pointed towards her little chatterbox coming with her dad.

To be continued...

To be continued

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