"Let's go to our room so we can put on some comfortable clothes and relax before the crazy starts again." It's going to be weird after 3 weeks of no racing to be back again. I know the team has Nyck on stand by, because Daniel doesn't know how his body will manage when he gets in the car again. He has been up to his normal training routine with Michael for a bit, but it has only been 2 weeks since his accident, so I'm pretty nervous to see how he will feel after the first practice session.

Back in the room we take a shower and then relax on the bed, watching the first episodes of Outlander. I've seen them all already, but I love it so much I don't mind watching again. After two episodes Daniel is also hooked, but we decide to get some sleep, especially Daniel who will need all his energy for the weekend.

We are walking up Eau Rouge which is a lot steeper than I thought. I'm glad I work out together with Daniel and Michael regularly, so my condition isn't too bad and also the physical exercise Daniel and I have pretty much on daily basis helps as well.
When we reach Radillion I see Pierre walking a bit in front. He has a small bouquet of flowers with him as he makes his way to the barrier.

He kneels and I can tell he saying a little prayer, so I wait until he's done.
When he gets up I walk over to him and put my hand on his arm.
"Hi, you ok?" I ask him when I see him look at me, his eyes shining a bit more than usual.
"I will be. It just doesn't seem to get easier when I'm here." He answers before he spots the flowers in my hand.
"This is so you. Only you would be so considered to do something this nice."

I put my flowers next to his and even though I'm not religious I say a short prayer before going back to Pierre who is waiting. Daniel joins us and we continue the walk talking, Pierre tells me about his friendship with Antoine and how it affected him when he lost him.
By the time we get to turn 14 I'm starting to question myself why I wanted to go do the track walk. I do love seeing the track like this, but holy shit I should have picked the track in Austria. That one is a lot shorter, although also not very flat.

Back in the garage I fall onto one of the couches. "Sjeeees I totally understand why Max doesn't do track walks now." Michael hands me a bottle of water which I happily accept.
"You definitely chose one of the toughest to join though. But what about next week? Zandvoort is so much fun with the banking." Daniel laughs as he joins me in the couch. Stealing my water bottle.
"Oi that's mine!" I try to get the bottle back, but he holds it above his head, making me climb on his lap trying to grab it.

"Now this is a nice view." I can hear the smug grin in his voice as he enjoys the view on my chest in front of him.
"You are impossible, now give me my water." I reach again, but he keeps it just a bit too high for me.
He takes the cap off the bottle and squeezes it, making a gush of water splash straight into my cleavage.
I gasp as the cold water touches my skin, feeling it run in between my breasts over my stomach.

My nipples harden from the cold, piercing through the light fabric of my sundress.
"Now it's even better." He's so distracted I finally manage to grab the bottle. I flip it upside down over his crotch, he wants to jump but I'm still sitting on top of him so he can't move.
"Revenge is best served cold they say, I guess they were right." I snort with laughter when I feel him panting as the cold water soaks through his shorts straight onto the warmth where his cock is.

"I love you, but you might need to change shorts." I quickly get up and bolt out of the garage as I hear Daniel curse before getting up to chase me.
We run through the pit lane, I scream as he is coming closer and closer.
Suddenly I see Will Buxton walking and I hide behind him.
"What the hell?" He says surprises as a heated Daniel tries to grab me from behind him.
"Save me Will!" I shriek when Daniels hand wraps around my wrist.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now