Chapter 70

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The days dragged on as Ari stayed in the same place patiently. Funnily enough, despite being unable to leave, he did not feel trapped. For once he felt like he had a way out if he wanted to take it, but he was reluctant to do so.

It wasn't like he didn't want to leave. Ari wanted to, desperately so, but if he let Constantine drag him away, they will definitely be met with resistance. It was easy to guess the outcome of that. Ari would find himself back home where he wanted to be, and many deaths would be the result of that.

More than just feelings would be hurt because of him, and he already has three deaths on his conscious. It's not like he cared much about those innocent people dying, but they will drag something else with their deaths. People will hate him, people will blame him, and some might go after him.

And Ari was just tried of that.

He just wanted to disappear and start anew, and he didn't want to hurt anybody to do that. Not really. All it would take was for him to wait, and if he waits then many of his previous pack's members wouldn't have to die because of him, because he just wanted to leave.

There is just enough agony in this world, and they all showed him kindness so far during this miserable stay. It's time to just leave peacefully and let them return back to their families.

And so he waited.

He waited until he heard his surrounding grow quiet telling him that everyone left. Knowing what that meant, all he had to do was just wait for a little while longer before Constantine walks through the door. Then he'd ask how many nights, and he'd savor those nights until it happens again.

But this time he smelled the familiar scent of blood accompanying the heavy steps that were approaching his door. While that scent was nothing new, it usually isn't that intense, that fresh.

When Ari turned to the door, he saw Constantine at the doorframe looking at him with a suspicious redness in his green eyes that was waning away. "I threatened Hawthorne, you can leave now, princess."

Ari didn't allow himself to relax yet as he showed clear disbelief at hearing those words. "Leave?"

"Yes, Ari. It's over."

"They won't bring me back here if we leave?"

Constantine shook his head. "I made sure that wouldn't happen."


Years of abuse and feeling trapped were not easy to forget. Years of hiding what he is and not feeling like he fit anywhere made his anxiousness normal. Years of living in this town only to finally get out of it then be dragged once again made him unable to allow himself to feel happy just yet.

And years of feeling like he only had his mother to rely only to get a terrifying killer as a mate made him give up any hope he once had.

It was hard to really breathe in this town that smothered him, and it was harder to breathe when he felt his foot touch the ground as he took tentative steps towards the door. His head was still swirling with so many thoughts and so many worries. Ari was used to expecting something to go wrong once something good happens to him. The good thing is always snatched away from him.

It never lasts.

Even when he finally reached the open front door, he felt like there would be an invisible barrier preventing him from going out. Ari might have not been a victim of Constantine, but he had always been a victim of abuse. Of feeling helplessness.

Honestly, Ari was not aware of the moments that passed from walking out of the room to the front door. Those moments felt endless, yet he barely remembers them.

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