Chapter 63

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The whole town was filled with unfamiliar faces, guests from other packs were all here for Constantine. News often did spread fast to neighboring packs, and those who knew about him were interested.

The unknown menace was finally captured, and now he is nothing but a puppet controlled by the three men who did.

Cassie had heard about it personally from her previous alpha, Chris, who was never too fond of secrets. It was just a passing remark that he made about how the Hawthornes now have someone they can unleash on anyone they didn't like. Someone who followed the alpha like an obedient pet acting as a body guard. She witnessed it herself.

She caught sight of Constantine following the alphas somewhere obligingly. No restraints, no precautions. It was like they had an invisible leash on him and she knew for a fact that they were using Ari.

That's why she decided to make one last visit before she left this town, fearing for her safety.

Luna Anna had kindly told here where Ari was kept, and she led her to his room herself and Cassie couldn't help but notice that the room was locked from the outside.

"It's for his own safety." Luna Anna told her noticing the way Cassie's eyes lingered on the lock, but she only smiled and nodded her head as she walked inside.

And there he was looking out of a window that caged him with its metal bars. There was nothing much to look at outside, but he was clearly in a world of his own if his wistful look was anything to go by. The room was very luxurious, had every comfort, filled every need, but she knew that he didn't want to be staying here.

His eyes were wet.

He didn't want to be kept prisoner because that's what he was, this is what he always had been. This cage was just more comfortable, prettier.

The Hawthornes were generous with their wealth.

Cassie didn't say anything when she approached him, but instead she placed a hand on his shoulder making him turn his head to look at her. He didn't say anything and she knew that it was because a sob threatened to come out.

In more ways than one, this complex situation broke her heart.

"Aurelius," She held his face in her hands shaking her head at him and at the chain connected to his ankle. He was trapped here, there was nothing subtle about it. The Hawthornes didn't bother to keep it subtle, but at least they did it gently. "You've been through so much, but it is your own fault."

He bit his lip and looked away from her making her sigh.

"Are you upset about Constantine?" She asked him retracting her hand away to sit by him. He was still not looking at her, like he felt like no words could express just how guilty he was about this whole ordeal. "Don't blame yourself for what's happening to him. He never was a good person."

But she was wrong.

"It's not that." He finally spoke still refusing to look her way as he stared out of the window again. Cassie thought she might get a glimpse of what's on his mind when she looked out of it, too, but there was nothing that clued her in. "I am just so tired."


There was a perfectly comfortable bed right there, but it was clear that this wasn't tiredness born from lack of rest. What Ari wanted wasn't sleep, it was something else.

"I just want to go home. I just want this all to end." He told her sounding both frustrated and in despair, but the despair in his voice overpowered the frustration despite it being so dim in his voice. It showed clearly on how he moved, how his hair had a hand run through it so many times it was now sticking up, and how his leg refused to stop moving and shifting as if he just wanted to run away.

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