Chapter 3

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The day of the gathering was supposed to be the day Alec would welcome the new members of their pack as the future alpha, but that duty was ignored because a more pressing issue occurred. Something traumatic happened, and they've been scouring the perimeter around the town to see what exactly had caused it.

Usually, there would be a few members of their pack guarding the territory for any unwelcome visitors or to deter humans away from venturing further into the dangerous woods where anything could happen. It was their territory. Their place. And their safe haven.

Turns out it isn't so safe anymore. Not until they figure out what was lurking in the shadows.

Although he gathered up their best men, they couldn't find anything amiss even when they spent nearly two days just searching. That's all they ever did, and he could tell everyone was getting tired of just running around with the tension only growing, but their only lead is five men who couldn't speak.

There was a reason why they couldn't. A very good reason.

They're dead.

Five of the best fighters he knew, five who were together at the time from what he gathered from the scene, and five who are by no means inexperienced for something to maul them like that.

There were many possibilities, and the most likely one is a group of rogues. Sometimes they do group up, but that's not really a common occurrence. It was definitely another werewolf, the wounds on the men suggested claw marks, but there is just one tiny problem with his theory...

A group would leave a trace. Footsteps. Scents. Anything.

There was nothing but a pile of dead bodies.

Although things couldn't sound worse, these were experienced fighters. They had seen things and were ready to attack if they faced a strong enemy, and they should have won considering they were together, but they hadn't and some of them looked terrified. That's what worried Alec the most. Their terrified faces.

Someone appeared behind him and he looked back to see the worried face of his friend and most trusted comrade, Jaxon.

"What's the news?" He asked already knowing the answer from Jaxon's expression.

"Nothing. We looked everywhere."

Trying not to show the frustration that was piling up, Alec nodded his head crossing his arms as he debated on what to do. This was a matter that required his father's attention, but his father wasn't present at the moment so it was up to him.

His men had been restlessly searching for clues, and no matter how hard they looked they couldn't find anything. For now, it seemed like a fruitless search, so the best course of action was to call it off but stay alert for any unwelcome insiders.

"Alright, let's just end it here." As he spoke, all he could think of was just sinking himself into a warm bath and just relax after all this running. His muscles were tense and so was he. "Just make sure to tell everyone to stay on guard."

Jaxon breathed out a sigh of relief. "Finally, it is over."

"It is not. We still don't know who did this." Alec told him firmly, bur Jaxon was too excited about the search ending to care as he quickly dashed away to spread the news.

Thinking it was about time he headed back as well, Alec was about to go back towards town before he caught a whiff of an unfamiliar scent and stopped.

"Who's there?" He called out looking around cautiously and was immediately on alert when he heard the bushes rustle.

"I didn't say knock knock." A tall guy walked out from his hiding spot behind the trees with a pout and a playful tone. "Come on, let us redo. I have a great joke."

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