Chapter 53

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The hellish days dragged by as Ari searched for his own twisted fun in them.

There were many things he was ignorant about until he finally got to experience them. It seems like people's idea of omegas is worse than he initially thought. They were almost as bad as his mother, but in a nice less mean and violent way. It was more smothering and demeaning than anything else.

"Should you be walking alone like this?"

The lady who asked him was the store owner of a place he frequents, and all he did was walk a very short distances from his home to come and buy something he craved.

"I don't see anything preventing me from doing so." He told her with a small smile as he placed his things on the counter, but she was still looking at him with doubt in her eyes. The way she looked at him did not sit right with him.

"Aren't you an omega like Eli?"

Ari bit back the remark he that was about to escape him and nodded his head. "Yeah, what of it?"

"What if you suddenly," She gestured all over his body awkwardly as if he didn't regularly come by her store for years. "You know what I mean."

There was nothing he could say as he looked down at his things with a sour face. If he met her eyes, he'd be looking at her with disgust he wasn't so used to feeling. Without saying another word, he left his things there and just walked out without buying anything.

Everyone was treating him as if he would suddenly drop to his knees in heat.

A ticking bomb some were actually waiting for to go off.

It'll be such a convenient excuse for them to do what they've always wanted to do to him. Ari was aware of some of the eyes that followed him with intentions that were far from innocent. The news of what he is just fueled those lustful gazes. They weren't many, but now it is as if they grew by tenfold.

And Ari walked on ignoring each one because he knew their excuse to approach him will never come, but it still frightened him.

If alpha Hawthorne saw him walking around like this, he'd probably force him inside for his own safety as if he hadn't been walking around all alone without an escort all these past years. Besides, if anyone had a brain attached to their eyes, maybe they'd see that he wasn't anywhere near safe inside the house with his mother.

And maybe he wouldn't have grown so bitter the more he noticed how everyone stripped him of his choices and freedom just to keep him contained, secure.

It was as if he stopped being Ari anymore and was now just an omega.

The only reason he was still here was because he refused to leave this place peacefully.

"Ah, there he is." A vaguely familiar voice said getting closer to him, and when Ari turned around he was surprised at the sight of Luna Anna herself approaching him. "Our lovely omega."

The only reason he didn't let his true feelings show on his face was because Cassie was standing there right next to her. Cassie who had left not too long ago was now back, and he could guess why she was.

"Aurelius!" She smiled warmly as him, throwing her small petite self at him to pull him into a hug. A hug he eagerly returned. "I am so happy to see you again."

And all his bitterness just went away as he felt like he wanted to cry in her arms.

"Me too."

Luna Anna smiled as she watched them and Ari wanted her to go away.

Thankfully, she tactfully excused herself and left them when their embrace lasted for a very long time. She had felt that they'd want to be left alone, and a little part of him appreciated her for noticing it.

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