Chapter 43 (M)

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There was no haste, no alarms, and no worry.

The sounds of his mother entering the bathroom to start her morning weren't heard, and the anxiety that he felt whenever he heard it was absent due to its absence. Usually, Ari would take it as a sign to force himself out of bed and start making her coffee so that she didn't spend the rest of the day irritated at him.

But instead he woke up without the need to be aware of his mother's fluctuating moods, and he didn't need to listen intently to discern if she woke up calm or annoyed to prepare himself for what's to come.

All he woke up to was the warmth of a bed and a quiet room that made any anxieties that normally arose whenever he opened his eyes instantly dissipate. It was almost foreboding because of how good it felt, and it made him wonder if people usually woke up like that regularly.

He wanted to wake up every day like that.

Looking beside him, he couldn't help his lips from twitching up at the amusing sight. Limbs were strewn around getting into Ari's space without actually taking away from his comfort, wreaking havoc as they did so, and it made Ari realize that the usually composed and shrewd killer was actually a restless sleeper.

If Ari didn't actually see him covered in blood and tossing away limbs, he'd probably think it was cute.

There were two types of knives that Constantine often carried, and they were tossed aside carelessly beside him tempting anyone to take ahold of them.

Ari found himself drawn to them as he reached out for the jagged one taking a liking to it, and straddled the sleeping killer underneath him as he did so.

There was a certain feeling he felt as he looked down at the, usually terrifying, man who plagued his head. Ari's hand brushed over Constantine's collarbone and he let out a shuddering breath at the warmth that came from his hand coming into contact with Constantine's skin.

It felt as if his hand burned at the small insignificant contact. It was as if he wasn't allowed to, like it was forbidden to touch him like that, but his hand still went up so his thumb could trace his twisted lover's throat.

"I could kill you right now." He said unaware that his musings were verbalized.

Ari was fixated on the thrill of having someone so helpless under him. Someone so powerfully scary and seemingly unstoppable, yet right there under his mercy.

Bringing the knife closer, Ari toyed with the idea of what it was like to slice someone's throat as he ran the back of the knife through Constantine's.

Harmlessly wicked, he had always been the former, but the latter is a newly discovered side of him.

"No, no, no." A hand pulled Ari's hand away and he realized that Constantine had been aware of him this whole time. For some reason, there was no fear instilled in him when Constantine's hand went up to his neck the same way Ari's did for him earlier. His thumb traced Ari's throat while his other hand sneakily took the knife away before his thumb pressed on a certain spot making Ari swallow nervously. "You cut it here. It's more effective."

And as if he was demonstrating, he did it again with an almost slow sensual touch to it.

They both knew Ari didn't have it in him to actually do it.

"Why like that?" Ari couldn't help but wonder, and he was given a peck on the lips just because of how cluelessly adorable he was.

"You don't want me to have a chance of surviving, do you?"

Ari frowned tilting his head in confusion. "Aren't you afraid I might actually do it?"

"The thought of being killed by you is more appealing than you think." Constantine told him coolly, casually, like he was actually excited by the prospect and Ari found himself being pulled down so his neck was in full access to Constantine whose fangs teased to nick his skin. "Besides, the knife you chose screams of your inexperience."

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