Chapter 62

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The sound of metal clinking with its contact with metal was heard every time Constantine moved a muscle.

Nothing new here, just the usual chains and cuffs. Same old boring attempts to keep him in place, but obsolete because of the valuable lessons he learned from the tough love his father often bestows on him. At least his father knew how to keep him in place for a while longer, and the secret was to make him lose consciousness.

Another thing was, as much as it hurt, silver was useless on him otherwise.

It weakened lycans, gave them a searing pain and slowly poisoned them the more they were exposed to it like a cursed object that made them wither. The silver chains were a nice burning touch to his restrains, he was a fan of it, but it didn't do anything to him.

Those attempts at torturing him were laughable due to how little they knew about him.

His mother was human.

Silver only gave him mild burns when it touched him. It being near did nothing but hurt them not him.

Honestly he didn't know if he should be bored or amused at this point.

"Hey, so," Constantine kicked up his restrained foot to make a loud noise echo in the room, successfully grabbing the attention of the men keeping watch on him. "If I get my meal, will you give me silverware, too?"

Their expressions soured, but did not hide the bafflement they felt as they observed just how little all the silver they exposed him to affected him. If he were a normal pure-blood, he'd probably be emptying his guts by now, and it'll be a huge pile of black substance coming out of him. His face would wither as he decayed, and he'd succumb to death that wasn't coming. Dying by silver would take an agonizingly long time.

They clearly just wanted to torment him.

The whole thing became even more funny whenever one of the men watching over felt some of the effects forcing someone else to take their place as they recovered.

It's amusing, but the wait was boring.

Constantine was almost happy when his father walk in alongside three other alphas, one of them was the mastermind of all of this, alpha Hawthorne himself.

But Constantine's amused attention fell on one person. "Didn't know you cared enough to visit."

Years of dealing with him took a toll on his father as he tiredly looked at him with an expressionless face. A face that made it clear that he's rather be anywhere else than here even though it displayed nothing, but he did look sourly at the silver that was placed strategically around Constantine.

"Seems like I have a new member joining the pack." He said in clear disinterest, he already knew about it, but it didn't hurt to make it seem as if he didn't around the three alphas. They were in the dark about most of the details. "I was forced to come."

But one of the alphas couldn't contain his emotions. "You had no right to do that! To force a mark on someone-"

Chris merely sighed noticing how his son's attention snapped to that alpha. This was not going to end well, but he did not want to interfere more than he had to.

"Was you son one of the three I killed?"

He really didn't want to interfere but Constantine was not making it easy.

The alpha stood there, shaking in his place, but in an impressive display of self-control, he did not attempt to attack the restrained killer who was waiting to see how far his provokes would go. More of a cat than a wolf, always playing a game somehow without any regards to anyone but his amusement.

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