Chapter 6

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A guy sauntered in what seemed to be like a closed warehouse and headed for the storage room where a lot of cargo was placed. Despite it being too late for anyone to be working, there were still people inside either standing around doing something or just talking. They didn't exactly look like a welcoming bunch.

However, the moment they caught sight of the guy they stood straighter and became alert, some even offering a passing greeting.

The playful attitude they were met with might have seemed out of place for people like them, people who were more on the unsavory side of the general population, but they looked wary despite the playfulness. There was not a single person in there without a tattoo, a scar, or a body count. It was no secret that they were all criminals with weapons sheathed somewhere on their person.

The only thing that tied them together was the fact that they were all outcasts who left their packs for a better one. A dysfunctional one.

Their pack was unlike any other since they don't really have a leader, but everyone knows who actually runs the place. There was no question about it, and whoever dares to show any sort of disloyalty or defiance would learn a lesson they might not survive.

Everyone knows that, but some are still stupid.

The guy continued as he hummed a tune, an upbeat tune, with a relaxed smile on his face and the biggest guy in the whole warehouse, who was known to be ruthlessly brutal among them, became a lot less intimidating when he scrambled to get out of the humming guy's way.

Without paying attention to him, the guy continued on his way until he reached Lenora's office. She was their accountant and the person responsible for keeping their whole operation on track. It was no surprise that most of their profits are from criminal activities, and it was what kept the place afloat.

When Lenora's door opened, she spared a glance at her visitor before looking down at her papers again. Black glasses adorned her face, and she always loved to have her dirty blonde hair neat and straight. "I am not in the mood for one of your whims."

The guy took a seat in front of her desk. "Where are they?"

Lenora put down the papers and looked up at her unofficial boss. Seems like he came here for business. One never knows. "Down at the basement."

"How many?"

She adjusted her glasses and moved left and right in her rotating seat. "Three plus someone from the Hawthorne's pack."


That was all he said before he got up and walked out of the office once more making her wonder what exactly he had in mind. There were so many things he did just because he felt like it, but many things he planned, and if someone unknowingly interfered with those plans, well, it was their grave. He wasn't known to be forgiving.

Right now he seems to be oddly fixated on two packs. The Hawthorne's for some reason he didn't disclose and the most powerful pack in the area, the one they have a mutual understanding with, the Dietrichs.

Then again, there was news of an omega who recently joined the Hawthorne's pack, could he be the reason of the sudden interest? It certainly seemed possible, but she had work to do and didn't have time to dwell on it.

Just as she said, there were four men locked in down at their basement and they were guarded by a few who glanced warily when they saw their dreaded visitor. One of them nodded his head and unlocked the door wordlessly.

Stepping in, there were four men inside. Three on the ground chained and one tied up to a chair looking petrified. Clearly he wasn't a fighter.

Looking down at the three idiots chained up, the middle one fumbled with his gag before he spat the cloth away having it fall down to hang near his chest. "Constantine, Listen, we were stupid, ok?" He spoke too quickly and was shaking in his place. He looked young and afraid. "We just didn't think you'd mind, honest."

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