Chapter 21 (M)

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At this point in his life, Ari couldn't help but let out a little sour laugh.

Everything was shifting left and right as if the world was melting all around him. His vision was a tad bit blurry, and he honestly didn't know where he was going. All he knew was that he needed a place to gather himself and calm himself down before anything disastrous happens, but that was easier said than done.

He hated everything about how affected he was by pheromones. His whole body was fluctuating from hot to cold and then back to hot. It was hard to walk since all of his energy felt like it was being sapped away and all he wanted to do was fall flat on his face on the cold marble floor, but he was lucid enough to know that he couldn't.

Not yet anyway.

There were still people around as far as he knows, but he doesn't know how far he actually walked. He could be on the other side of the mansion where he shouldn't be, but that was the least of his concerns as he tried one of the doors.


Maybe he really shouldn't be here, but that didn't stop him from trying another door, though.

"Please," He breathed out resting his forehead on the door as he held the handle and spoke as if he was uttering a prayer. "Open."

Turning it, he discovered that it was locked as well and he felt like he could just collapse on the floor any minute now. The distant sound of a click echoed in his head as he felt like he was floating and about to fall backwards, but a hand caught him before he did.

Something fell right beside him, but he didn't get the chance to see what it was as he found himself being pulled inside.

Everything became quiet with his gasps being the only sound in that room, and a shadow in an already dim lit room loomed over him.

Ari couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. "It can't be you again."

"But it is." Looking up, Ari could confirm that yes. It was him. The very same person who he keeps meeting whenever everything goes wrong. "And it seems to me that you're in a bit of a situation here."

Swallowing at the heat gathering in the pit of his stomach, Ari sighed pressing himself to the wall. "Aren't I always in a situation when you're around?"

"Seems so."

"Constantine," Ari gulped feeling like everything is slipping out of his control. He didn't even question why Constantine was in the room, he didn't even realize what Constantine had done before he pulled him in. All he knew was that he wanted something from him. "Help me."

While his words were vague and could have meant anything, the request he was making was clear. The state he was in was pitiful, shameful even.

But Constantine leaned away and took a step back.

"I don't think you're thinking clearly right now."

For some reason those words made him angry as he gripped his head feeling like he could barely stand on his own two feet. Constantine walked away from him putting distance between them, and Ari bumped into a table trying to chase after him.

He truly wasn't thinking clearly.

When Constantine didn't move from his spot as he tried to approach, Ari felt confident as he slowly made his way to him and found his fingers tangled in Constantine's shirt trying to pull him closer. "I am very much aware of what I am doing right now." Maybe it was a lie, maybe it was not. Even he didn't know at that moment. All he knew was that he was getting increasingly frustrated. "Can I please have something I want just once?"

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