Chapter 54

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It seems that the only person who remained the same was Rowan.

Although she was awkward when she asked for him to come over, it still didn't bother him because all of this mess was hard for anyone to digest. At least she still saw him as a friend.

As he stood in front of her door, he found himself already missing coming over like this. Something told him that this might be the last time he gets to visit her the way he is right now. It wasn't anything as ominous as one of them dying, it just felt like he'd be leaving soon.

Like he was saying goodbye and she didn't know it.

Maybe she did.

He only knocked twice on the door before it opened and a nervous red-eyed Rowan greeted him. "Look, we've been doing this for a very long time." She said pulling him in by the hand to give him a hug. "We're hugging, I don't care if you're an omega."

He heard her sniff as he hugged her back. "What's wrong?"

"I'm what's wrong." She broke down tightening her hold on him, and he stood there confused and worried at how devastated she sounded. "Everything I did, all what happened. I am so sorry."

"Ro, you didn't know."

But she shook her head refusing to look at him, as if she was too ashamed to even consider doing that. "I left you with that feral." She told him shaking her head at herself. "And then the party, you were in heat, too, weren't you? I just left you there."

"Yes, but you thought I was a beta." Ari told her not at all angry at her like she thought he should be. "Betas don't get heats, and they could certainly survive a feral."

This didn't make her feel better because it reminded her that Ari could not have survived. Somehow, he did.

Rowan pulled away from him and breathed in heavily before she closed the door. "I wish I cared just a little bit more. Maybe I would have known." She told him honestly, but all that didn't matter after everything. "I was too caught up with Eli."

"You were being a good friend to Alec."

"But not to you."

Ari sighed knowing that it is true. "You're still not the one to blame. My mother is."

"Then I blame her for how horrible I feel right now, too." Rowan told him having calmed down a bit, and Ari smiled at her words agreeing with them. And as he was led inside, Rowan turned to him with a look of concern and guilt. "Were you hurt badly by that feral?"

"Nothing I couldn't survive. I was lucky that someone was there to help me." He told her pushing her lightly to make her continue walking. It was an attempt to show her that he wasn't too affected by it. "He was nothing compared to my mother."

It was taken as a joke, but it wasn't.

"What about the party?"

"Cassie helped me." He lied easily. "She had known about me already."

A light bulb lit up in her head as she realized that this is why Cassie had left him with Eli, and it made her suddenly stop crying as she looked ahead dumbly. "Oh."

"Can't believe you asked me to come here so you could apologize. You're so embarrassing."

Rowan couldn't help but smile sheepishly at that as she grabbed him by the wrist like she always did. It didn't matter that he was an omega now, it didn't matter that things were revealed to be different than what was apparent to her, they still remained the same.

Ari was still Ari to her.

"I also made us hot chocolate." She said pulling him to the kitchen where they had their countless baking sessions. Rowan was the one who made him like it in the first place, and she did a wonderful job decorating their hot chocolate with cream and marshmallow. "We didn't get to drink them before you- Yeah."

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