Chapter 37

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Constantine was mildly annoyed, but incredibly bored.

It was one of those rare times where he regretted sparing someone's life, and it is rare because he rarely spares anyone's life. The decision was made on a whim, and he foolishly decided that this man he spared would not be anything more than just some unlucky sucker he could forget about later.

But that's the things about suckers, they don't take him seriously.

The target of his ire was none other than the vomiting man he let go, the one he kindly told to not say anything about the whereabouts of Constantine's playground. It would ruin things, and it'll make his cat and mouse game with the Dietrich's pack a lot harder. He worked hard killing all those ferals to throw them off the trail, but it seems like all his work is now for nothing.

"Len-Len," He called playfully as he held on to the picture that was sent their way. It was of the five dead men he killed, and they were from the Hawthornes pack. "Who gave you this?"

In all honestly, he thought people should just get over it. He killed many more, but these men seem to be haunting him. He barely remembers them.

Lenora was chewing on her food holding an acai bowl in her hand, and she looked at him with clear disinterest wishing to be eating her brunch in peace.

Seems like this wasn't an option.

"Nobody important. Just men from the Hawthorne's pack."

Constantine threw the picture into the trash and snorted when it flew in the air and avoided it completely until it fell gently on the floor. "How many?"

"Two." She sighed mildly annoyed at the fact that he didn't bother to pick it up and throw it properly into the bin. "They came this morning asking for you."

So the Hawthorne's knew about this place, and it was about time before his dear father, Chris, knows about it, too.

In fact, he could vividly imagine him sitting in his study with a triumphant face plotting something just to ruin Constantine's fun. Although he was certain that his father wouldn't dismantle this whole thing they've got going on, he was absolutely sure that the next time he wakes up to his father's face from a drug-induced sleep, the first thing his father would do is gloat.

Constantine smiled to himself. It wasn't every day that his father got to win, so he guessed he could let him have this one.

"Since they asked for me, I should see what they want."

Lenora stopped mid-bite watching him kick himself off the chair with a mischievous look on his face. With a sigh, she put her spoon back into the bowl and wondered if he finally lost his mind.

"You're not going there, are you?"

"I am." He told her grinning from the door, one step away from walking out. "Don't worry too much about me."

The moment that he left was the moment she stared down at her acai bowl with a frown. "You're not who I am worried about." She mumbled to herself before she picked up her spoon and stuffed her face. Finally, a moment for her to relax.

She hoped she wouldn't see him again for a few days.

It was around late in the afternoon when Heather told her mother about her joining the cheerleading squad, and she wondered if her mother also noticed the handmade bracelets she was wearing. It was from her best friend and crush whom she was desperately trying to impress.

This is the whole reason why she bothered with the stupid cheerleading thing.

Still, she twirled in her place so her mother could see how nicely she filled the cheerleading outfit of her school, and she was watched with gleeful proud eyes as her mother hugged her.

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