Chapter 30

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"I will be fine." Eli giggled when Alec pouted as he leaned down to kiss him. Eli eagerly returned the kiss and brought him closer unable to help the smile that appeared on his face. When they finally broke it off, his cheeks were dusted with pink as he smiled up at his ridiculous mate. "Seriously, I am just going to the nearby city. I'll be gone for less than a day."

"But you'll be so far away."

"One hour away, Alec." He reminded already bracing himself for another kiss before he gently pushed Alec away and laughed at how silly he was being. "Come on, I'll be late. Cassie's waiting for me."

Not looking too happy about the prospect of his mate going away, albeit temporarily, Alec huffed looking defeated.

"Be careful out there, alright?"

Eli couldn't help but roll his eyes. This wasn't his first time going somewhere, and he spent eighteen years of his life without an overprotective boyfriend making sure he's safe. He was sure he was going to be fine. It wasn't like he was going into someplace dangerous. In fact, the most dangerous thing right now is the sad look he was getting from Alec who was a hair away from dropping everything and coming along with him.

As much as he loved his gorgeous alpha, he didn't really want him there. This was an omegas only outing and no alphas were invited.

Not even his mate.

Well, with the exception of one alpha, but he didn't count.

"Don't worry about a thing, Cassie's mate will be there, too." He reassured Alec who begrudgingly nodded his head. Cassie's mate was going to be nearby just in case something happened, and also to make Alec and his parents more willing to let him have a day for himself without them there, other than that it'll just be him and Cassie. A whole day with just omegas.

By the time Eli was waving goodbye at him, Alec was pouting as he sadly watched him leave. Frankly Eli thought he was being silly. He'll soon forget about him once he gets busy with pack affairs.

Eli almost bounced to the car eager to go.

"You're really excited for this, aren't you?" Cassie giggled as he nodded his head and he all but jumped into the backseat greeting Cassie's mate as he did so.

The drive there was fun since Liam, Cassie's mate, was never short of interesting topic to talk about. There was also the playful banter between the two – which Eli found to be cute – and it made him want to have the familiarity and comfort Liam and Cassie had with Alec and himself.

It was like having a peek of what their future might be, and so far he loved it.

There was never a dull moment on the way there, and Eli found himself already exiting the car and looking at taller buildings while breathing in polluted air making him grimace a bit. It was so busy and so noisy that it took a moment for his sensitive senses to adjust, but once they did he found himself looking around awestruck.

There were so many humans around. It was the most he had ever seen.

"There's a place I need to show you." Cassie told him grabbing him by his wrist and dragging him someplace while Liam waved them off and left them so they could go on with their day.

Eli was curious to know where Cassie was taking him, but somehow he followed her without asking any questions only to find himself standing right in front of a pharmacy. They walked inside and there was a tall young woman standing behind the counter greeting them.

Cassie produced a piece of paper giving it to the pharmacist and she looked confused because of it it before she turned around went to the back asking for her colleague.

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