Chapter 41

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Warmth engulfed his hand when Alec held it, and Eli let him hold it.

The temperature dropped almost suddenly, and while he wasn't too thrilled about having his hand held by someone he was conflicted about, Eli let himself enjoy the warmth of that hold knowing it was not something he could easily escape.

"I can't believe it's winter already." Eli remarked with a displeased pout letting his displeasure mask his discomfort he felt. Somehow, it felt wrong to be intimate like this when he knew he was unsure about his feelings, it was as if he was lying to Alec but it was his stupid mate bond that made him dive into a relationship without knowing anything first.

All he knew was that Alec is his mate, and while it was normal for mates to start a relationship, Eli felt like he shouldn't have done so thoughtlessly. It was going too fast for him.

"That's why we're starting a bonfire." Alec told him as he grinned down at him, and Eli's heart hurt a bit from the tug he felt. "Jax and I used to do it every year, and then we started to invite Rowan and Ari before others started to join and it grew into a semi-official thing here."

To that, Eli couldn't help but smile. "You started this tradition?"

"Well, yeah, by accident. Blame it all on Jax, he's the one who started it."

"Then tell Jax I think he is a genius because I am freezing." He shuddered to emphasize his point, but in a heart-melting gesture, Alec pulled Eli's hand that he was holding inside his pocket. Something about it made him feel another tug in his heart, and this time it wasn't an unpleasant one. He couldn't help the words that came out of his mouth next. "That's so sweet of you."

Alec smiled down softly at him and gave him a look that told him he shouldn't be too surprised about something like this. It made Eli remember that when Alec wasn't under the effects of uncontrollable lust, he is actually a really great boyfriend.

Small steps, Eli thought.

Small steps are needed and he might actually find himself falling for Alec.

And suddenly, he found a genuine smile appear on his face as he looked down shyly at his feet. The idle sounds of chatter were getting louder as they walked, and Eli could already feel and smell the large bonfire which was in an area not too far from town.

"This looks like a typical place rebellious teenagers would start parties at." Eli couldn't help but say that as he looked around at people drinking, laughing, and fueling the fire.

Alec gave him an amused look before he looked forward as if he was reminiscing. "That wouldn't be too far off the mark."

Eli let out a little chuckle, and as he was ready to follow Alec to wherever he was leading him to, he found his hand being taken out of Alec's pocket and let go of.

"I know I haven't been the most understanding about it," He told Eli with a reddening guilty face and Eli was looking up at him feeling perplexed. "But Ari's here, too."

A moment of silence fell between them as Eli stared up at Alec in bewilderment. "You mean..."

"Yes." Alec sighed nodding his head, almost looking remorseful. "He's your friend, and nothing will happen with all of us and the rest of the pack around, so go have fun. Talk to him."

"Alec, that's..." Eli didn't have any words to say, so he just smiled up at him brightly and pulled him down for a kiss that showed just how thankful he was to Alec for trying. Small steps, but those steps are slowly becoming easier to take. "I will see you later, okay?"

"Okay, yeah. I'll be with Jax."

And just like that, Eli tentatively left his side and started searching for Ari amidst the crowd. There was a decent amount of people, but not too many that he'd not be able to find Ari, but somehow, he couldn't spot him yet. The bonfire burning bright didn't help, and it took him a while before he spotted the familiar petite figure of Cassie with her back to him leaning on a tree.

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