Chapter 45

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An annoyed groan escaped Ari as he threw his head back against the unfamiliar couch.

It came so suddenly, so intensely, and he knew it was only the start. Memories of himself when he was younger and dealing with irregular heats rushed back into his mind as he let out a huff. He was so clueless back then, but they were just as painful as he remembers them to be.

And just as quickly as his heat hit him, it went away leaving cold tingles all over his body.

Not entirely clueless, he knew why this was happening to him, and knew that it'll repeat itself for a while until his body finally decides to adjust to the changes. Ari knew exactly when his heats would come, and he was always prepared with his meds within reach whenever they were close.

They were not close at all.

"Ugh." He flinched when another wave of pain hit him. "I should have killed him."

The source of his ire wasn't there to hear those words, but if he were he might be endlessly amused by them instead of threatened. Those words were alien to Ari before Constantine's influence, and despite him uttering them he, wasn't built for killing. He neither has the strength nor the resolve to take another life, and the mere thought of doing it himself left him sick.

He was sure that if he had what it takes, he wouldn't be in this predicament.

It was too late to do anything about it now.

But when a scent wafted towards his nose, he found himself changing his mind about wanting Constantine dead. It was funny how the scent of his partner alone could affect him like this, relaxing him into sinking further into the couch just to bask in it. His senses loved it, and the smell pleasantly filled the place making him breathe in for more.

It felt nice to be so relaxed, he rarely gets to feel it.

Ari was aware of his book that was placed on the table across from him, taunting him.

He couldn't even finish two pages before he felt that burning need his body forces him to feel, reminding him that this is a part of himself he couldn't escape despite leaving everything behind for a little while. Ari knew it was temporary, that it would get much better once his body accepts that it is tied to one person now. There would be no need for him to attract any more attention, the heats would eventually stop and only occur around Constantine if he's around.

This mark on his neck was almost like a remedy, but it sure was taking its time.

Although Ari was fully aware of that, of his need to wait, he still felt his eyes bitterly sting wishing he was born as nothing but a regular beta.

Things would have been so different.

"Okay," He breathed out when the recent heat wave lasted longer than the others. "You can do this."

Ari slowly forced himself to stand, his steps wavering a bit, but he carefully made his way back to bed where he could comfortably be in pain, as depressing as it may sound. He threw himself there with no reservations and just breathed in and out as he gradually felt himself succumb to his heat.

It felt strange whenever it happened.

His head would feel like it was submerged in water, and everything would be swaying as his body grew more sensitive. Time went on with varying speeds, sometimes it was agonizingly slow, and other times it was so fast that he'd not notice that a whole day went by.

But Ari was also used to the abuse that would follow, expecting it even.

Shrill yells from his mother that hurt his ears, jabs to his sides from her knees, and sometimes – when she's in a particularly hateful mood – the pillow that would press on his face to suffocate him. In that state, he would find himself unable to defend himself or push her away, she always knew how to render him helpless.

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