Chapter 51

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All alone sitting on his bedroom's floor, Ari stared back at his reflection in a catatonic state.

Four days had passed, and those four days were enough to finally break him. He could already feel it, something had snapped in his mind and there's no way he was going to blame himself for it. There was no way that any of what happened was fair at all.

And it all started the day he was born.

Ari was trying his best to hold himself together, and while he did an amazing job at that, the cracks were still there gradually growing as the years went by until he finally shattered.

There was nothing to piece together anymore.

Not when he sat there on the floor staring at a bruised wounded body from his mother's loving blows. She was brilliant, really, she knew how to hide it well even though this physical abuse of hers is recent. It was only his body, never his face. Not when the attention was on them now that everyone knew the truth.

He's such a convenient outlet for her frustrations.

"Forgive me, alpha, but I was only respecting his wishes." He could hear her sweet polite voice from downstairs entertaining a visit from alpha Hawthorne himself. Oh, what an honor. "Aurelius begged me to keep it a secret, I didn't know what else to do."

The lies.

"I understand that you were doing it for him, but this was still a risky decision." The alpha's voice had a bit of admiration at the love and consideration his mother had shown by keeping Ari's 'secret'. A fool just like his son. "From now on, we'll have to take certain precautions around him. We must protect him."

How exciting, the life of a caged bird. Not that he wasn't already one, but now it is a different cage that he's being forced into. Delightful.

"I cannot begin to express my gratitude." Careful mother, Ari thought, your mask is slipping. The tone of her voice isn't hiding the hatred that's been brewing. "Really, I don't know where to begin."

Maybe by not littering your son's body with bruises, that is a start.

"It's my duty as alpha to oversee that no harm comes to him." Ari wanted to laugh at that if he wasn't feeling so bitter. Not only was he not affiliated with this alpha anymore, but he already spectacularly failed his job. "Speaking of which, when did you know about him being, erm, an omega?"

Since Ari was barley one years old.

"Only a few years," The nervousness was clear in her voice as the lies became more difficult. That was okay, though. Her charm was enough to make anyone fall for her lies. "Aurelius somehow hid it from me for a while, and I helped him get his meds because I was afraid for him. I didn't mean to keep it a secret from anyone."

She spoke as if she wasn't the one who forced him into keeping it a secret.

There was silence before he heard a sigh. "No, I see. I can understand that you did it for him."

"Yes, I am truly sorry. I was only respecting his wishes."

Ari stood up from his place on the ground deciding that he was too cold to continue sitting there without any clothes on. He wondered what would alpha Hawthorne think if he knew that his mother, his beautiful lovely mother, had just beaten him up moments before he graced them with his visit.

It was all too funny.

"You see, I came here to inform you about a few interested alphas in your son." Alpha Hawthorne could be heard shifting in his seat, probably feeling slightly awkward at bringing up this topic. "Omegas are rare, and it is no surprise that people would grow interested, so it's best if he settles down quickly. It's safer this way."

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