Chapter 64

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Territory disputes are a funny thing.

Alphas treat their territories like their own little kingdom where they're the kings, but of course that would mean that they would need to forge friendships between themselves and their neighbors and sometimes issues arise. It was a mess that Constantine doesn't concern himself with, it was his father's job to care and that would eventually fall on his younger brother.

Who even cares about pieces of land?

Apparently power came with that, and people were willing to kill for it, but certain reputations needed to be upheld. They can't do it themselves, someone else has to do it so they could seize the opportunity and claim the freed territory themselves. Constantine was perfect for the job.

Unaffiliated, alone, and would not ask for anything in return.

Just as long as he gets to see his claimed partner.

"I do kill people for a living." Constantine told the alpha trio not actually listening to their previous discourse as he sat there suffering. He had been subjected to many horrible things, but there was nothing worse than mind-numbing boredom. "But you get a new territory, what do I get?"

The alphas all looked at him with disdain.

Constantine was never in the habit to learn his victims' names, so he gave them nicknames of his own. The one whose son got his spine crushed was Grump and the other one was Eyesore. They were both fitting since one was always grumbling in distaste at him while the other was just plain ugly, but Grump was proving to be hard to deal with.

Whenever anything was said to them by Constantine, he'd often be the first to answer. In a grumpy way. Kind of ruined some of the fun.

"We've already been through that. If you want to see that omega of yours, you'll be sure to keep your mouth shut."

Always that omega, never by his name.

Alpha Hawthorne placidly placed his hand on Grump's arm to calm him down, but it was clear that not everyone was a fan of Constantine. The hatred was real, but he guessed it was expected after crushing his son's spine. It made him wonder who actually killed that son of his first, him or Ari.

"May I ask what you mean by see him?" He continued not bothered by the glares he was getting as he sat there lazily in his seat. There was nothing between him and the trio, and he could think of a variety of creative ways to brutalize them. It'll take close to a minute, more if one of them knew how to fight. "I am pretty sure you don't just mean I get to bless my eyes with his visage."

And what a visage it is.

Honestly he'd kill for that now. Killing is cheap to him.

"Exactly what is it that you want?" Alpha Hawthorne asked sounding reluctant as if he hadn't considered that he'd actually have to consider giving Constantine something back. It was no mystery to him that Ari is being kept someplace where they could all keep an eye on him, but he is starting to wonder where.

"You tell me, what is it you think I want?"

Nobody said anything at first and it made it clear that he was dealing with rookies by the discomfort they had shown. If they weren't planning on giving him anything, then they shouldn't have used Ari as leverage. And if they were, then they didn't realize that they were sinking so low as to offer him someone who had been through trauma because of him.

Ari was being dangled in front of him, did they think he was going to be content with just that?

At least they should hide their discomfort if they wanted to fool him by giving him false promises, but alpha Hawthorne looked pale as everything dawned on him. Grump and Eyesore, less so. In fact, Eyesore did not seem like he minded all that much.

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