Chapter 27

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The days went on slowly, uneventfully, but all the drama and tension seemed to settle for now.

Ari found himself spending his mornings as usual trying his best to not anger his mother while she spoke hatefully about something or opened up a normal topic leading to a completely normal conversation. It wasn't rare for them to just sit and talk, but the moment omegas cross her mind was the moment all the peacefulness goes away.

Every interaction with her left him tense. It has always been like that.

"Do you ever plan to move out?" She had asked out of the blue sipping on the coffee he had made her and he honestly was surprised that she didn't sound like anything except mildly curious. Like she really cared about what he wanted or planned.

"It did cross my mind." He admitted to her, but he made sure not to mention that it crossed his mind every single day he lived with her. The thought of living someplace without her sounded like heaven. "Do you think I should?"

His mother shrugged her shoulders. "If you want, you can."

"I don't think there's a place I can afford here."

"Not here." She snapped a little bit too quickly. "What's the point of moving out, then? Go somewhere else. Away from here."

Ari wondered what he should answer that with since his mother seemed to be annoyed. There's nowhere he could move to, he knows it. He did weigh his options countless times, and he always found himself stuck with his mother. He didn't know anywhere else to go, this had been his home ever since he was a child.

They did live somewhere else when he was an infant, but mentioning that would never end well. His mother was never fond of that place wherever it was. All he knows was that they moved out because of him. An illegitimate child, an accident she never wanted.

Not like it was his fault to begin with, it was all hers and he knows it, she did, too. That wasn't the real reason she could never tolerate him, though. It made him wonder if things were different, would she be more loving towards him?

He knew she cared about him to some extent since she still took him with her and raised him, but she still couldn't love him the way she should.

"You want me far away from you." He said sounding unaffected as he placed his plate right across from her. Despite the fact that his appetite was now gone, he still planned to eat his breakfast acting as if everything was okay and normal.

Without any words, his mother nodded her head confirming his realization.

"Well, I wouldn't mind moving away." He told her honestly, but he didn't know why he said it so shakily. It wasn't like he cared about the fact that she didn't want him around, and he thought about getting away constantly. It was very odd of him to be so affected. "The only problem is I don't have anywhere else."

"Hm." His mother nodded already knowing that. "If it is money, I can help."

Ari looked up at her curiously. "Why so suddenly?"

"I can't help but think about how useless you are." She told him unfeelingly as she took a large gulp of her coffee. Ari, who was used to such words, continued to eat silently. "I just want to forget that you exist, honestly. And I want people here to forget that you're my son."

Letting out a breath that sounded amused but was devoid of any amusement, Ari looked up at her with a wry smile. "Didn't know you were this ashamed of me."

"Just go away. It'll be good for the both of us." She told him standing up from her seat walking towards the front door. But before she left, she stopped on her way and looked back at him. "You never failed to disappoint."

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