And disgust overcame him as he opened the door noticing how there's an extra lock on the outside, and then the sight of a window lined with metal bars came into view. This was a room for a captive, not a victim, and he didn't need to ask to know that this is where he was kept the moment Constantine allowed for his capture.

And there was nothing but surprise on Ari's face when he saw him walk in.

"You're here." Ari walked over in disbelief, surprised, yet elated. There was nothing but haste in his steps as Constantine stood at the door not taking a single step forward until Ari was yanked back by the foot just a few steps away from him. "Ugh."

It was an exclamation of annoyance that left him before he was easily lifted by his clothes to the wall that he was connected to. Ari could only helplessly let himself be handled while still wondering why no words were being said to him.


Realizing that he was too engrossed in his analytical thoughts, Constantine turned his head feeling like his attention was being dragged away by something more important. Captive, restrained, and used. Those were the most important things he needed to know for now.

"You look well."

And clueless innocent Ari gave him a smile as he was set down back on the floor. "I am now."

"Did you not know I was coming?"

That was an important question to be asked, and the answer would tell him so much. It should have been heartwarmingly cute how he felt Ari's heart beat go faster at the sight of him, and how hints of red appeared on his body as he shook his head. It should have been.

But Ari didn't know he was coming.

"Is something bothering you?" Ari asked when he didn't say anything else, but his eyes fell on the chain around Ari's ankle.

"Yes, actually." Constantine breathed out always so physical as he dragged Ari to make him sit on the bed. At least they kept him in a nice room, that was the only positive in this whole sickening mess. "I get to spend three nights here."

Ari didn't question it when he was turned around sideways so his ankle could be on Constantine's knee, and he left him to fiddle with it.

"Honestly I am just happy you're here."

There was the sound of something clicking before he was given a look he couldn't decipher. "They think I forced this mark on you."

And that's when something else clicked, and Ari's eyes widened at the reminder. "Oh."

Suddenly it felt like he shouldn't be happy that Constantine is there with him. Like he should be feeling sick and furious instead. Ari was reminded that he was a victim who was targeted by Constantine and had his only family killed on top of the trauma of an unwanted mark forced upon him.

It was so easy to forget that when he's so happy to finally have his love so close like this, but then he realized he wasn't being kept here for his safety. He was being kept here because he was something Constantine wanted.

"They used me." He whispered out letting his now-free ankle drop from Constantine's knee. "Three nights for what?"

"Killing three people."

And that's when Ari felt sick.

They were using him to use Constantine.

The whole place he was kept in just went suspiciously quiet without the usual people roaming around making sure he's fed and okay. Then Constantine surprised him by walking in – Ari truly didn't know about him – and he was there to spend three nights with him. An alpha and an omega, the intention was clear.

An alpha and an unwilling oblivious omega.

The implication was clearer.

Negative feelings surged within him as he wondered how anyone could have the heart to do this. If he really was a victim here, then he would have been tormented further. This was all unbelievably awful that-

"I've massacred a whole pack before, I can do it again." Ari found himself on his back with a forehead pressed against him, something Constantine always does with him and it is always followed by a kiss. "Just tell me to."

Ari didn't doubt his words. "A whole pack? How?"

"Quietly." He was given another kiss. "You dwindle their number before they realize it's happening."

There was a moment where Ari wanted it to happen. See the whole place go down in blood, and he knew it could happen. The wickedness in him almost reared its head, he killed before, and this time he had a good reason to do it again. It was getting easier and easier to think nothing of it. Constantine was dragging him down that path, all he had to do was point and Constantine would kill.

So easy.

Yet so difficult at the same time.

"No, they're innocent." Ari said pushing him away despite knowing how hypocritical he sounded. The three alphas were innocent, too, but he was blinded by his feelings then. Not anymore. "I promised Cassie I wouldn't hurt anyone. She's right, I shouldn't."

"Cassie?" Constantine tilted his head recognizing the name. A memory of when they were innocent kids by the lake resurfaced, some memories just won't fade away. "She almost drowned me once."

Ari looked up at him in bewilderment before helaughed.


"We were kids, but should you listen to someone like that?"

And the smile that was on Ari's face seemed impossible a while ago when Constantine wasn't there. He really didn't know about Cassie's evil past.

"Yes, I think I should."

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