Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

    Xue Lian received an encrypted signal from the Empress Dowager during the journey, and the Empress Dowager asked her if she would like her assistance when returning to Star G.

    If it was Xue Lian before crossing the magic star, she would definitely not bother the Queen Mother.

    But now she seems to have a child favored by the elders.

    Immediately Xingxingyan asked: "Auntie, is it okay?" The

    queen mother's voice was still cold and indifferent: "Then I will go." The

    passage opened, and after three minutes passed, the magnetic field of star G was out of control. This is the reason why the queen mother arrived, and then the next step Seconds later, Xue Lian arrived. Her supernatural power was healing and smoothing, and the magnetic field returned to normal again, as if the loss of control of the magnetic field just now was an illusion.

    The scientific research personnel of Star G and the detection system of the Defense Agency showed that there was a new god coming. However, the signal only appeared for a second and then disappeared. During this extraordinary period when the militants and peaceful factions were walking on thin ice, they did not hesitate to report the situation to the National Security Agency.     The National Security Agency received the information about the invasion of the New God, and the signal only appeared for a second. The huge system calculated that 99% of the possibilities were due to the opening of the crossing channel with the help of compassion, so they didn't think too much about it. The Queen Mother and Gu Ming had no reason to come here.     However, a second later, the moment when Xue Lian and the others crossed over, the entire galaxy of star G, where there was soil, began to sprout green grass.     Some people are walking in the man-made park.     Some people are watering their fake green plants.     And these people all saw the gratifying and hopeful green emerging from the soil, the dry bark turned green again, and even sprouted a little...     The withered and not withered in the farm, one after another, they were visible to the naked eye. The speed is raised a bit.     Gosh, has our soil and air gotten better?     The abnormality of the planet was reported to the National Security Agency again.     NSA: What's going on here?

    In fact, because their monitoring system can only detect alien gods, they cannot detect the gods that originally belonged to star G. Xue Lian's divine power contains healing power, and just after passing through star G, the abundant divine power has not been restrained, directly affecting the plants in the entire interstellar.

    At the same time, the anomaly of the G-star plant was on the hot search, and the popularity once overshadowed the news that Xue Lian threatened to travel back.

    Numerous plant experts expressed that they did not know the reason and were helpless.

    This little patch of verdant rock shook the galaxy.

    The paparazzi who were stationed outside the bar to shoot Xue Lian were very itchy. They were all discussing the greening of the interstellar plants.

    Until a reporter suddenly said: "Someone knocked on the door of the bar."

    Others: "?" The

    bar was cleared at this time and no guests were accepted.

    However, the attire of the visitor was not ordinary. He was more than two meters tall, with long black hair like a waterfall behind his head, and a white robe with gold trim.

    In this dress, there are no other people except the temple.

    Who is coming from the temple?

    Xue Lian actually knew someone from the temple?

    Everyone was puzzled, and the camera aimed at the man's back.

    Ci Xin could obviously turn off their cameras, but he didn't. Instead, he turned around generously and let the cameras capture his face.

    Photographers and reporters: "!!! Damn!" The

    audience in the live broadcast room: [! ! ! Fuck! It is kindness. 】

    【Why did Ci Xin come to the bar? 】

    【Oh my God, he only appears in textbooks, this is the first time I see a real person! ! ! ]

    [Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

    A reporter boldly asked, his hands were shaking, "Merciful God, why are you here at the bar with seven knives? Is it related to Xue Lian?"

    Fans of the militant faction began to ego climax: [Compassion, as a steadfast god of war, has started to settle with Xue Lian! 】

    【Xue Lian is a peace faction, and compassion will definitely not allow it! 】

    【Xue Lian can't even travel freely through the blue star now, the God of Compassion must be there to protect the interests of G star! ]

    Xue Lian's fans were also stunned, 【Is Compassion must be a militant school? 】

    【He must be a militant faction, the entire galaxy was unified by him thousands of years ago. ]

    In the compassionate eyes that see everything, in addition to anticipation, there is a trace of... Pain.

    The reporter who just asked the question took a step back, for fear of offending the True God and killing himself.

    Compassionately opened her mouth to answer, and one stone stirred up thousands of waves, "I'll pick up my daughter Xue Lian."

    After a pause, she added: "I'm an incompetent father, I hope she can forgive me."

    [! ! ! ! 】

    【Fuck, can my ears hear this? 】

    【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Xue Lian is actually the daughter of the True God of Compassion? ? ? ]

    [Help, help! ]

    Star G’s never-before-paralyzed network was once paralyzed at the moment when Compassionately told the truth.

    All major media headlines are: #惊!Xue Lian is the daughter of the Compassionate God! #This

    is even bigger than whether G Star and Blue Star will fight or not!

    【Ahhhhh, I see, I live near the temple, and a new palace has been built in the past few months. Was it built by the True God of Compassion for her daughter? ! 】

    【What the hell is going on? Why is the blood of the true god scattered outside? 】

    【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I suddenly understood why Xue Lian was invincible in Blue Star, she has the blood of God in her body! ! ! 】

    [Could it be that the recovery of plants on Star G is also related to Xue Lian's return to Star G? ? ? ]

    [So Xue Lian is also a real god? 】

    【Wori, you have the truth! 】

    【Ahhhhh, that's great, our G star has another true god! ]

    Without waiting for the reporter to ask further questions, the door of the bar opened, and Ci Xin just stepped into the bar.

    Another person appeared out of nowhere, she was wearing a medieval European-style skirt with a narrow waist and a large skirt.

    It is also a character that appeared in the textbook, the god of conspiracy and tricks, the queen!

    She... what is she here for?

    The queen glanced at her younger brother Compassionately, and then entered the bar first.

    Not to be outdone, Ci Xin wants to be the first to see his daughter.

    Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, why do these two true gods seem to be competing?

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