Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    The interior of the space was no different from last night. Xue Lian checked the condition of the avocado and apple, and the surface of the flesh was actually fresh!

    There is no sign of blackening or browning at all.

    She picked up the apple and "clicked" and took a bite. It was fresh, crisp and sweet.

    After 7 hours in the space, the appearance and taste are the same as freshly cut apples.

    Same goes for avocados.

    Great, the space not only has the function of heat preservation, but also has the function of keeping fresh. It is a fifth-level space!

    Xue Lian's brows were full of joy, every day before the doomsday, she would stock up a lot of dishes!

    Hot pot, stir-fry, stew, fried chicken, skewers, barbecue!

    Time is running out, you have to go out and buy it quickly!

    She called the husky a few times, but it was still sleeping and did not come out.

    Xue Lian went back to the room and found three large stainless steel bowls to wash. One bowl was filled with warm goat milk, a bowl of dog food, and a small bowl of dog snacks. The dog snacks were made of chicken jerky and were delicious. .

    Wait for it to wake up and eat.

    Returning to the room again, Mussel also woke up at this time.

    Beside Mussel's sofa, there was a pile of electric-charred mosquito corpses.

    Mussel took the initiative to report to Xue Lian, "My ability has been upgraded to level 2 this morning." The

    live broadcast room was full of applause: [Ahhh, that's great, last night Mussel raised the electric mosquito to level 2 Level up! ]

    [Ah, if you don't pay attention, Mussel will be level 2, awesome! 】

    【! Grass, the fastest player to upgrade! 】

    The fans are even more ashamed. Yesterday they were ridiculed by the black fans as "smart brother", and now they have been promoted to level 2, saving a lot of ground.

    【Our Mussel is the best! 】

    [Hahaha, if Xue Lian wants to form a team with Mussel, he has to work hard to upgrade, the space of level 0.5 is about the same as the capacity of a large USV. 】

    Xue Lian listened, "It's very powerful."

    After all, Ouyang Qin is only level 1.

    Although she is a fifth-level space, she didn't do anything, and the space went straight to level five. Simply good luck.

    Mosquito corpses were everywhere, Xue Lian found a vacuum cleaner, Mussel took the vacuum cleaner and cleaned it consciously.

    Xue Lian talked to him about remodeling the car, "Can your 4S store modify the car? I want to buy a remodeled car, which is cheap and high-quality. Do you have any recommendations?"

    Mussel thought for a while, " Recently, the store took a Land Rover, which is a terrible car. The owner was drunk and hung up with several people. There is no problem with the internal components of the car. The owner sold it at a discount of 700,000

    . Go take a look when you're done ." The

    two packed up and went out, and breakfast was settled outside.

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