Part 23: Blood Lust

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(Y/N) stared at her like a deer in headlights, caught completely off guard. An impossibly long moment of tense silence passed for the two as they stared at one another, trying to get a feel for what the other was thinking.

"W-well?" Power asked timidly.

"Well... what...?" (Y/N) asked, eyes wide as saucers.

"Are you not going to...?" Power trailed off, a blush creeping across her face.


"TOO FEED ON ME, FOOL!!!" Power yelled, angered by his apparent confusion.

"Huh!?" (Y/N) exclaimed, shocked. "You want-me-wha!?" (Y/N) stuttered.

"You wish to drain my blood at a quicker rate, correct? Well here's your opportunity!" She huffed.

"I-I'm not gonna..." (Y/N) averted his gaze.

"Why not!?" She yelled.

"I don't wanna drink your blood!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"WELL, WHY NOT!?" She shouted, offended.

"I-WELL-CUZ I DON'T WANNA!!!" (Y/N) stuttered.





"Get out..."


"GET OUT!!!" Power shrieked, tearing the needle from her arm and forming an axe from the spray of blood. She let out a cry of pure fury, lobbing the weapon straight at (Y/N)'s head. (Y/N) ducked with a yelp, leaping away from the bed as Power constructed more weapons, firing them at his feet as he backpedaled out of the room.

"What the hell!?" (Y/N) whipped around and yelled, only for the door to be slammed in his face. "POWER!!!" He shouted through the door.


"Power, I don't understand!!! Open the-" (Y/N) was cut off as a blood blade was shoved through the door, missing his face by an inch. "Alright, take your time!" (Y/N) laughed nervously, backing away from the door.


(Y/N) sat outside of the door, back against the wall as he listened. He heard objects being thrown around the room haphazardly, accompanied by screams of anger. She'd been going at it for fifteen minutes. Every attempt at speaking to her ended in another jagged crimson weapon flying through the door and missing him by a hair. This reaction just from a refusal to drink her blood? At least the tantrum seemed to be making progress on her blood draining. The sheer volume of blood she was using to make all these weapons had to be chipping away at her, right?

He sighed, gazing at the puddles created by the deteriorating weapons Power had launched through the door. He wondered how he was going to explain this to Aki. The crimson blood puddles pooled around the door, shimmering in the rays of the fluorescent hall light. Curiously, he dipped a finger into the substance. He lifted it from the puddle, gazing at the sticky liquid as it coated his fingertip. In his curiosity, he smelled it.

It smelled good.

Really good.

Intoxicating, even.

Involuntarily, he began to salivate as his eyes transfixed on the blood. Without hesitation, he stuck the finger into his mouth.

It was delicious.




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